@Devils du New Jersey

DÉCLARATION à propos de l’EFFORT PATHÉTIQUE des Devils du NJ dans une PERTE de 5-1 dans un match à gagner contre les Kings ! Fire Ruff et Fitzgerald ?

« Les Diables du New Jersey avec un EFFORT PATHÉTIQUE dans une PERTE de 5-1 dans un match à gagner contre les Kings de LA ». Les Devils lors de ce voyage sur la côte ouest avaient besoin de ces 3 victoires contre les Sharks de San Jose, les Ducks d’Anaheim et les Kings de Los Angeles et n’ont obtenu qu’une seule victoire et 2 points sur 6 possibles et ont 8 points sur une place de Wild Card et ressemblent à ils vont rater les séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley. À quelques jours de la date limite des échanges de la LNH, ces matchs ont mal tourné et signifient que les Devils seront des vendeurs avant la date limite des échanges #newjerseydevils #lakings #njdevils #jackhughes #nicohischier Pour les opportunités d’affaires, envoyez-moi un message sur Instagram @ The Hockey Skatedown @TSkatedown Suivez-moi sur Instagram @ thehockeyskatedown Suivez-moi sur Facebook @ hockey skatedown Images utilisées en vidéo avec Fair Use. L’utilisation équitable est une doctrine de la loi américaine qui autorise une utilisation limitée de matériel protégé par le droit d’auteur sans avoir à obtenir au préalable l’autorisation du détenteur du droit d’auteur.


  1. We're well beyond fire Lindy at this point. I'm ok with letting him go because the locker room is in shambles & they are playing his system, but if Lindy's leaving Fitzgerald should be joining him. There's been a known goalie issue since the Fall that has been completely mishandled. Markstrom never should've left NJ. If not him, there were other goalies that could've stopped the bleeding. He's been MIA since the stadium series and is nowhere to be found. He's just as much at fault.

  2. Time for Fitz and Lindy to hit the road. Ownership doesn't Seem to give a shit about what's going on. Ltir money didn't get spent to make the team better. This season is over. Even if they make the playoffs which I don't think they do. They will be out in the first round 💯

  3. It’s frustrating.. I can feel your frustration through the TV. I’m feeling the same way, better days ahead. I would be interested in Dineen as coach.

  4. They suck and all we hear about every post-game is "Puck Management" since October…so we're in March and still can't manage the puck? This is the best sound byte Lindy can come up with? It's the media's fault for the pressure? What the f is actually going on? They think fans are that stupid(some are lol)? It's insulting.

  5. The loss of Severson gravy and wood isn’t the issue anymore. The injury bug isn’t the issue cause every team has them. It’s Lindy’s “system” or lack of. From the start of Lindy’s tenure in NJ made the playoffs once. Other than that we’ve been mid to bottom.

  6. Organization got profitable then both Lindy and Fitz got their extensions and guess what! They don’t give a damn anymore! Both of them need to be held accountable! You hit the nail on the head with the fact that it’s the same F’in theme with the issues every game so what does that say about these so-called coaches?

  7. Also why on gods green earth did Lindy the clown decide to put Daws in net again? The guy needs a break! He’s been playing non stop coming off a damn injury FFS! This is beyond baffling.

  8. The towel has been thrown in. The team has checked out. Totally agree the young guys on defense are being over played. Lindy has got to go. Starting Daws again tonight should be the nail in the coffin. Turned off the game after the second goal. It was obvious they were done.

  9. I don't think the Devils will fire Ruff. Jack Hughes really likes him.

    This is the first time that I saw you being angry! WOW!

  10. Florida sat on 64 pts after 61 games last season. Devils are going to the Finals this year!😅

  11. Fitzgerald has done a great job!?? Lmao. He is the sole reason for the Devils mess

  12. I’m usually on-board with what you are saying, but this time I have to disagree. I do t believe that TF has been a great GM. He signed long-term deals, but largely, his trades have been a very*mixed bag. Taffoli, is a one-year guy. We gave up Yegor Sharangovich, who is not only younger, but seems to be pretty close, as far a talent. That’s a wash. Meier? We gave up Zetterlund, and Shakir. We also added a few picks, but as far as bang-for-the-buck goes, it’s been close to a disaster. His *worst move by far, was extending Ruff. Does a GM, with Jedi Master-level Hockey IQ, do that? Did he really believe, that Lindy single-handedly turned this ailing club, into Stanley Cup contenders in a SINGLE season? The new coaching staff (I’m looking directly at Andrew Brunette,) had nothing to do with that? He truly thought that Lindy Ruff overnight, became a Jack Adams award-worthy superstar coach? He then proceeds, to FOOLISHLY blow-up everything we had, by allowing Nashville to waltz in, and take Brunette. That’s Sesame Street GM’ing right there. Last season, Tom was a a darling. He was on every podcast, radio show, newspaper article, etc., that he could walk into. Now? The team is now is a death-spiral, and the effin ash hole, is M.I.A. Not a single, solitary word, to the fanbase, no interviews, no NOTHING. The going got rough (Ruff?) and he RAN AWAY. I have lost any, and all respect for him. I’ll tell you why w3 haven’t grabbed a goaltender and let me use the words of Barry Trotz, to explain it all. He said “I had to keep reminding Tom, that HE was the one who needed a goalie, not ME.” In other words, TF seems to think that he somehow has all the leverage here. His EGO, is preventing him from closing a deal. With Markstrom, the deal stalled, because Calgary wouldn’t retain a portion of salary. Now, Tom crawled back, and said “OK, never mind – we’ll eat the entire salary..” Calgary’s response? “NEVER MIND, WE’RE KEEPING HIM..” If that doesn’t illustrate the fact that T9m created bad blood there, I don’t know what does. His chest-thumping about “being patient,” are now making him look like a bit of a dope. We have shades of the infamous Shero/Hynes debacle. If Fitzgerald did his JOB, we wouldn’t even have conversations like this. He took THE most promising, exciting, young club in the entire NHL, and turned them into a complete joke. The completely undisciplined nonsense of Jack Hughes, has just amplified all of this. His”People pay…..” comment, was exactly what it sounded like: a cocky, selfish brat. No, Jack. I don’t “Pay” to watch YOU play, I pay to watch THE DEVILS play, whether YOU are there, or NOT. I never dreamed that it would get WORSE than it was

  13. Devils fans are very upset and I get it. But the expectations were not reasonable going into this season which has created frustration. I’m way more laid back because I already knew the Devils couldn’t make the playoffs this year. How could they? From day one they’ve looked wrong

  14. FJ is fully aware of what this team needs but you don’t bargain from a position of weakness if there’s no chance to make the playoffs or even if you make the playoffs, make some noise. I expect some major changes during the summer. Right now They should flip Toff for a first plus extra and use that to bring in a real number 1 goalie in the offseason

  15. All of the analytics scream this is a coaching problem.

    Anyone thinking that trading for Markstrom or any high caliber goalie—for all NJ would have to give up—will fix this team, has lost the plot.

    Problems, in order:

    1. Coaching
    2. Young/broken DEF
    3. Mid-goaltending

  16. When i heard lindy was devils new hc after hynes, i went here we go defense is out the window. (Rangers and Dallas are the example under his lead). We are cooked. Old school devs fans called out severson over the years before we let him go,but are awfully quiet about marino. Smith is more useful. Stats are facts. Here we are. Over a decade of mediocrity. Maybe next year….

  17. the goal that made the score 3 to 1 was one of the worst back checking efforts I've seen. Both Bahl and Hughes gliding behind L.A. player. Then when they both realized that the puck was on the stick for the easy goal, they both lunge to make a pathetic attempt to get to the player scoring. They both should have been benched !!!!! You cannot keep hanging it on the goaltending when your lack of effort and defensive miscues continue to cause these horrible games !!!!!

  18. What's not pathetic is your effort in making these after the devils stink the bed night in and night out lately. Props to you, I would've shut it down for the season by now lol

  19. Also, I 100% agree with you. This team almost needs a jaque type coach to have them actually play defense. Lindy's "system" of having D push up into the play has been terrible pretty much everywhere he's gone. It didnt work in Dallas at all. In Buffalo it was masked by two guys named Dominik Hasek and Ryan Miller lol. If you look at Lindy's career and then glance over at team save %, its pretty below average. That tells me that it's his systems, not the goalies on the rosters. That aside, this team just straight up is soft, they also look like they're done playing for him. I want Fitzy to get a coach who will actually have the balls to call this team out and their soft as a pillow core. I'd rather have 6 Danks playing for this defense right now rather than what we have. At least they'll play D first and do whatever it takes to win. Unlike anyone on the roster right now.

  20. I feel ur frustration bro.. its hard watching this team this year.. i hope they dont make a foolish move for an aging goalie, it makes NO SENSE.. we need to eat this season and gear up for the off season, save our draft picks mayb pick up one or two more.. we’ll b back next season… Off season must: new coach/ stay at home defensemen/ goalie…

  21. Islanders are on fire right now. Roy is finally getting change out of them. I don't hate the Devils but we need them to lose along with the Flyers and Caps. Pens are done.

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