@Ligue nationale de hockey

Matthew Tkachuk n’a pas aimé ce coup d’Adam Fox.

Matthew Tkachuk n’a pas aimé ce coup d’Adam Fox.



  1. Strangebrewed024

    Matthew Tkachuk loves to take cheap shots on players. Funny how he doesn’t like legal hits from other players.

  2. B0pp0-2nd-account

    Oh look, Matthew Tkachuk being a hypocrite.

  3. Zeer0Fox

    He saw incoming and turned his back. He should punch himself for being stupid.

  4. Ayahuasca-Puke

    Shouldn’t turn like a bitch when you see it coming

  5. unitednihilists

    Tkachuk is a colossal piece of shit, he knew what he was doing.

  6. henroi77

    I did !! He’s a dirty player he deserves all he gets

  7. Old_Beyond3256

    « Tkachuk, meet 6″8 Matt Rempe. »

  8. Chopstickz91

    I fucking hate Florida. Bunch of dirty fucks

  9. Striking_Economy5049

    He turns into it, how is that Fox’s fault?

  10. And instead of fighting he acted like a bitch in retaliating

  11. Space_Legitimate

    Holy fuckin typical Tkachuk. Lays there like a bitch till his teammates jump the guy THEN he goes over to get a shot in

  12. seef_nation

    So then don’t make eye contact and then put yourself in a vulnerable position right before you know the hit it coming. Also 3rd guy…gives off “hold me back vibes” while your teammates are taking care of it.

  13. MaxAnita

    Drop the gl….oh that’s right he doesn’t do that kinda stuff. Both brothers are brats putting it nicely

  14. Tkachuk has been and always will be a punk. He doesn’t mind dishing it out but heaven forbid someone actually checks him.

  15. Cherry would focus all of coach’s corner on this segment. Key points:
    1. American born guy. Of course he’d play like that.
    2. His father wouldn’t do that.
    3. See kids don’t do this. Don’t turn your back.
    4. Focus on a kid who got hurt in minor hockey or a fallen Ukrainian soldier tribute.
    5. Ron with the last second subtle chirp.

  16. Dingusclappin

    Maybe, just maybe, the Tkachuk brothers have anger and ego issues

  17. Saw him coming, turned his back trying to draw a penalty.

  18. EggsTyroneBaby

    Cool, now the league needs to do this for the entirety of the playoffs and stop letting these scumbags pull this bullshit.

  19. draxdiggity

    Imagine being worse of a piece of shit than Marchand. By far. Like, really far.

  20. CZ-Ranger

    That whole team is the definition of an instigation penalty

  21. Banffoil

    Classic Turtlechuk! Miss watching Kane and Kassian terrify this lil b

  22. TorturedFanClub

    Tkachuk didn’t like it but I fucken loved it. Atta boy Foxy

  23. mattttl1028

    Tkachuk had a cheap shot on fox earlier. If u ever see fox hit someone like that you know they deserve it

  24. JustinTyme92

    Tkachuk slows down, looks at Fox coming towards him, waits and then turns to face the boards at the last minute to try and draw a penalty.

    There’s being a rat, and then being Matt Tkachuk.

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