@Red Wings de Détroit

Tu ne peux SÉRIEUSEMENT même pas t’inventer

Quelle scène à Chicago hier soir ! La nuit où Chris Chelios a fait monter sa n°7 dans les chevrons, il est d’ailleurs arrivé à la cérémonie avec sa Cadillac, quel G ! Il y avait des légendes comme Wayne Gretzky partout, mais comme si cela ne suffisait pas, c’était aussi la nuit où l’un des, sinon les meilleurs, Blackhawks faisait son retour au United Center en la personne de Patrick Kane. Ils l’ont accueilli avec l’un des O les plus anciens que vous verrez, c’était vraiment autre chose. Même Cindy Crawford, née à Chicago, a réussi un tir au centre de la glace comme si de rien n’était et le nouveau golden boy Connor Bedard a frappé Kane. Je vous le dis, les intrigues étaient partout. Cela n’aurait pas pu être mieux pour Chicago… enfin, peut-être que cela aurait pu être le cas. MAIS on ne l’appelle pas le briseur de cœur sans raison ! Asseyez-vous et profitez pendant que je couvre tout cela dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #nhl #hockey #highlights #patrickkane #connorbedard #Chicagoblackhawks #detroitredwings


  1. Class through and through. I was there when Justin Verlander made his first visit back to Detroit and while it was very cool, it was nothing like this. As has been said, you can't make this stuff up.

  2. THATS HOCKEY BABY! He's unbelievable, he's cherry picking at the blue line. Waiting for the turnover gets the outlet pass and just buries it. He should have always wore a BLACKHAWKS Jersey. They should have put him on the shelf and let him get healthy and finish his career here.
    Listen to that crowd you don't let a guy like that go!

  3. I would thank Chicago for Kane. But they had nothing to do with it.
    That said, I still believe their fans to be the most classless in all of sports.

  4. Go Wings. Love having Kane. Rumor is he might head back to the Chi, but for now…

  5. This is probably one of my favorite aspects of hockey. We love to give our favorite players their flowers, even when they leave our favorite teams.

  6. The LONGEST Ovation I’ve ever seen was for Maurice Richard when The Montreal Forum was closing, check it out. Also check out Gordie Howe’s ovation when he returned back to Detroit for the NHL All Star game (I forget the year). Lane’s ovation was mere minutes compared to those two legends.
    Check ‘em out and get back to me with your thoughts.

  7. By stats Kane is currently behind Mike Modano for the best American born player. But I admit those extra 2 rings might make a difference. 😬

  8. No matter what jersey he wears Kane will always be loved by Chicago. Him and Towes lead us out of the dark times where we couldn't even watch a home game on tv thanks to Dollar Bill Wirtz and not even want to go to games due to how bad the team was.

  9. As a Detroit fan, it wouldn't be right without the "Detroit Sucks" chant right after they gave it up for Kane lol

    Also, John C Mcginley next to Gretzky in the box during Chelios's ceremony!

  10. 4:21 I started skating when I was 2, played hockey through Juniors. I have to say that besides Pavel Datsyuk, I have never seen someone make a shot like this look so effortless. It’s amazing. He is an amazing player.

  11. Of course you could make it up. Lots of lovely stories about dragons and unicorns and all sorts are made up.

  12. One of the greatest sequence of events in sports history. I don’t think I’m over stating it!

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