@Flyers de Philadelphie

3/4 PHI contre STL Après-match : John Tortorella

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef des Flyers, John Tortorella, après une défaite 2-1 en fusillade contre les Blues.


  1. Coots is invisible out there. Giroux got a lot of grief from the fans but at least he was always visible out there even when we were losing games. Couturier doesn’t score, doesn’t make good passes, doesn’t check, doesn’t break up plays, doesn’t hit, doesn’t show any emotion…..How can that guy be your captain? It doesn’t matter if he’s the longest tenured player. That shouldn’t be the deciding factor in who’s your captain.

  2. Terrible coaching job tonight. Not playing Couturier in overtime, Benching Bobby Brink, Slow line changes defensively.. stop worrying about the media and get better.

  3. You Bench Bobby Brink yet stick Marc Staal out there to do absolutely nothing again other then draw a penalty and miss the net.

  4. At this point in the season im happy with 3pts in 2 games. We move on, they will probably go 6-6 over their next 12 and still make the playoffs. All the chasing metro teams are barely playing .500 hockey lately. Id actually like to see WSH knock out Tampa for that 2nd wild card spot as im an Ovi fan.

  5. People are really turning on Coots for a bad stretch he’s going through. You all disgust me.

  6. These reporters .. the same people asking the same questions and getting the same answers. Can’t yall remember the same answer you got the last time you asked ??

  7. Ask why Marc Staal is still in the lineup. Any other player who plays that poorly day in and day out gets benched immediately. Why not him?

  8. 🙋‍♂️ why the difference with players in terms of benching? Do you think at any point Marc Stall deserves a benching?

  9. Guys wondering how this fan base could turn on coots? Well god said the other day “that letter on your jersey don’t mean a thing” meanwhile Marc stall skating around sing 🎶 summer day….everyone is A ok 👌

  10. 🙋‍♂️question for torts…when the flyers get shellacked in next 10 games will he bench himself? Isn’t it time for him to head upstairs to evaluate his coaches to “see what I got”

  11. Nice to see John torterella clapping for Hayes after running his ass out of town and “changing the voice in the room”

  12. Question 🙋‍♂️…Torts how do you feel paying Kevin Hayes 3,571,428 dollars 💵 to drop a loss on you? Thanks buddy…..to think the fans had to pay for his salary and the game ticket to get the L..😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  13. 18 game streak without a goal…comes in and takes the money and the win! Thanks torts! Anyone else ya plan on changing the “voice in the locker room with”

  14. What's the point of watching these videos if they don't record the questions? The video person must be a real genius, because this has been a consistent problem for two years.

  15. Coots i dont believe is a 100percent healthy! Played well at beginning of year 1st 20 games again he hasnt played alot of hockey in last 2years so he maybe bagged..

    The Staal thing I don't understand and why not give Attard a shot Y?

    We need roughly 95 points to get in so there is some work to do yet!!

    Week should be interesting with friday approaching Danny has to decide do I sell or sit tight till summer!

  16. What is Cotourier doing on this team? He’s the worst player in the league. What an awful PS attempt. I like Torts but he waited 1.5 years to name a captain and this is the guy he picked? Cut this guys and move on!!!

  17. Both goalies were good last night, and we hit a bunch of posts. Still, every point matters at this point in the season. Tough games vs the Panters and the Bolts coming up.

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