@Devils du New Jersey

REGARDER LES ARCHIVES : Conférence de presse de Tom Fitzgerald

Diffusion en direct à 10 h HE Le président, opérations hockey et directeur général des Devils, Tom Fitzgerald, rencontre les médias après avoir annoncé Travis Green comme entraîneur-chef par intérim.


  1. Idk how anyone can blame fitz for this. He’s done all the right moves. Yes he was a little passive but he made a gamble and it didn’t work out. Now that he knows the gamble didn’t pay off, I am 100% sure he’ll make a big move before the deadline.

  2. Why is the video and audio always terrible for a pro sports franchise channel? 720p? Dirty audio? What year is this?

  3. "I'm trying to do the right thing in the short window." Tommy, you've known for months our goal tending was bad. Your inability to do something about it in January put this team in a tight window. You're too blame.

  4. I saw a stat which said that during the entire tenure of Ruff the save percentage was like 8.50%. That is unacceptable, why is the goalie coach not being held accountable. How did this team win hockey game when the goalies have been SO bad. The fact that Ruff get blamed is great, we need change but we also need to fix the actual issue. You cannot win a hockey game with a goalie coach and a goalie who cannot make a save.

  5. Tom, look buddy, I know you've got a tough job and I know you're under a lot of pressure, but saying "we had no clue" about the candian jrs thing does not make you sound like you're in control. It's literally your job to have a clue.

  6. " a good man lost his job today" The team hasn't played hard enough for him. Its sad. Thank you for everything Lindy!

  7. too little too late. this move needed to be made in January along with the goaltender. no point now

  8. Question for Fitzy: Why did you hire Lindy Ruff at the end of last year's successful season over Andrew Brunette? It seems that the downhill slide started right then. Do you regret that choice? Do you admit it probably was a big mistake?

  9. Gotta hire a young modern thinking coach that uses new ways, schemes and plays…
    We also need a good A1 goalie, we have two B goalies. We also need a good defensive defenseman and a decent two way forward like Henrique etc…

  10. Can we win 1-0 or 2-1????? We can’t even get a single game without one or 2 goals going through our goalies body. How u gonna win 2-1 when u can expect 1.5(average) soft goals to go in EVERY game?

  11. Fitzy I've been a big fan from day one, but if you let the Hughes bros run roughshod over this team then you'd better be working on one gargantuan trade package… because you have set this team on an extremely precarious path.

  12. not lindys fault it was players showboating and losing pucks at the worst possible times within the games. play smart not for highlights or views and clicks on social media

  13. His statement about Holtz is complete insanity. I thought Lindy was the one not giving the kid a fair shake but clearly Fit💤 is just as dumb. Young players in net and on the D can do everything wrong and be patted on the back but Holtz gets called out like this? Wake the hell up.

  14. i don’t like what he said about holtz. the fact he has 13 goals, while playing on a checking line that gets 2-3 shifts a period is impressive. i’m not a hockey coach or ever played but he back checks hard and he’s trying. we let other young guys get away with stuff. then holtz does it and he’s back in the doghouse

  15. I’m officially on the fence with this guy. The collecting of assets and drafting has been great but when it comes to making decisions after that he’s showing some serious weakness… letting Burnette walk, not making a roster change to try to help Lindy, picking up McDermid after getting bullied by the rags. It’s all been very reactive.

    The emotions are a bit much. I understand he is close with Lindy, but come on man. We are trying to win championships.

    He needed to do whatever it took to secure that Markstrom trade and he didn’t. This human element shit is too much.. the goal tending has been up there with worst in the league. He needed to make that happen. I just fucking hated the answer he gave there

  16. As a die hard njd fan… this press conference doesn’t make me feel so good. Reactive and unrealistic is now how I like my GM. Some embers are starting to flicker around and fall to the ground. Fitz better stamp those out quickly or this could get ugly

  17. Most disappointing team in the league this year. Really missing the old way with unbreakable defense and the GOAT goaltender

  18. Apparently Ruff didn't have full control of game day roster moves as Fitzgerald just dropped that little nugget on Devils pre game show. Green asked for lineup control when he took the job according to Fitzgerald

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