@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Regardez ce qui est finalement apparu

Au cas où quelqu’un serait curieux de savoir à quoi ressemble un modèle personnalisé. Les chiffres sur les bras sont pressés à chaud, tout le reste est cousu. Cela semble bizarre de ne pas coudre les numéros latéraux, surtout à ce niveau de prix.



  1. ShowMeNC

    Just in case anyone was curious what the customized ones looked like.

    The numbers on the arms are heat pressed for some reason. At that price point, everything should be sewn. The rest of it appears to be sewn though, so I guess it’s not the end of the world.

  2. H_Man247

    God these are so sweet. The rule banning custom warmups is gonna go down as one of the dumbest ever

  3. BurnoutShoes

    This is so nice. Probably the best alt art one I’ve seen. I’d just like a T-shirt with the logo.

  4. socialaxolotl

    What was the final pricetag on this

  5. Looks sick. I love the thorns on the number.

  6. FragileIdeals

    That jersey is awesome but no way in hell am I paying that ridiculous price tag

  7. Fair-Tomato-5843

    Canes continue to drop the best merch in the league

  8. Emotional_Employ_507

    Damn I’m jealous that has to be one of best custom theme night sweaters yet.

  9. blueskynoise54

    Are these the coolest Hurricanes jerseys/sweaters of all time?

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