@Devils du New Jersey

Lazar, Siegenthaler, Hischier et Green parlent après la pratique

0:00 Curtis Lazar 3:48 Jonas Siegenthaler 7:47 Nico Hischier 12:21 Travis Green


  1. hopefully they all just suck it up and play hard for 60 mins so everyone will get off their asses with the off ice stuff, they must be annoyed by now with all the debbie stuff after games, also being down 1-0 to start everygame is a pretty big soul crusher

  2. they had a talk to these guys this morning telling them to present themselves looking happier during interviews…

  3. Lazar and Hischier are happy to have missed the Playoffs. Why would we be playing for free there they must be thinking😂

  4. Fitzgerald, really annoyed me during his press conference. It seemed like the entire thing wad about “poor me, look how hard all of this is on ME..” Give me a break. If you cared SO much about Lindy, and the team, you would have AT LEAST found help in goal. It’s been multiple seasons already.

  5. Don't believe this team can get anywhere with Fitz in power. He has to go. To not have a reliable goalie is sickening especially after what we seen in the last season. Fitz deserves to be fired period. To sigenthalers comment "That's how you learn you did something wrong" Does he does not know after doing that over and over whole season? How many times does he need to be reminded to get it? There is zero fight, energy or will to fight on this defense

  6. Fitz is a horrible GM. If you watch his last presser and have any belief in him you’re simply a fool

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