@Red Wings de Détroit


C’est presque l’heure de la Trade Deadline, ce qui signifie qu’il est temps pour nous de faire l’impossible : discuter de ce que Steve Yzerman pourrait faire. Connectez-vous alors que nous ouvrons avec les nouvelles des Red Wings de Détroit, l’évolution malheureuse de la blessure de Dylan Larkin, ce que cela signifie pour la poussée de Hockeytown en séries éliminatoires, l’intervention de Veleno avec DeBrincat et Kane, Kasper ou d’autres Griffins qui ne viennent pas, comment Raymond et d’autres doivent intervenir. et plus sur l’équipe de Lalonde (3:55). Ensuite, nous analysons la vague d’échanges qui ont déjà eu lieu dans la LNH, y compris le mouvement des joueurs PENDANT que nous enregistrions : Hanifin, Byram, Middelstadt, Walker, Henrique, Tarasenko, Mantha et d’autres. Aussi, comment la vente des Flyers pourrait aider les Red Wings (15:15). Après cela, nous discutons des besoins de Détroit à la date limite et de la question de savoir si Yzerman demandera de l’aide en attaque (Guentzel ? Buchnevich ? Rust ?), en défense (Chychrun ?) ou en gardien de but (Markstrom ?), ou tout autre mouvement imprévu. Nous discutons également du déchargement de Holl ou d’autres contrats défensifs, et de ce que nous entendons dans les rumeurs (31:35). Surtout, la situation du plafond salarial à Detroit avec les prochains contrats de Moritz Seider et Lucas Raymond en cours de négociation, et ce que cela signifie pour les années à venir. (51:20) Tout cela et bien plus encore avant de répondre à vos questions et commentaires lors de notre segment sur les heures supplémentaires (1:01:50) – profitez-en ! Rendez-vous sur wingedwheelpodcast.com pour trouver toutes les façons d’écouter, comment soutenir l’émission et bien plus encore ! Rendez-vous sur bit.ly/labatt_wingedwheelpodcast pour trouver Labatt dans les magasins près de chez vous dès aujourd’hui ! Doit avoir 21 ans et plus. Profitez toujours de manière responsable. #ad —– Merci de faire de nous le plus gros podcast des Red Wings de Détroit à l’antenne ! #RedWings #LGRW Site Web : https://www.wingedwheelpodcast.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/wingedwheelpodcast Twitter : https://www.twitter.com/WingedWheelPod (Consultez la bio pour suivre les hôtes !) Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/wingedwheelpodcast Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/wingedwheelpodcast Écoutez sur… Podcasts Apple : https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/winged- wheel-podcast/id969768868 Podcasts Google : https://www.google.com/podcasts?feed=aHR0cDovL2ZlZWRzLmZlZWRidXJuZXIuY29tL1dpbmdlZFdoZWVsUG9kY2FzdA%3D%3D Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741UlxPM GtaS SoundCloud : https://open. spotify.com/show/6Wp4fEi1EO741UlxPMGtaS Flux RSS : http://wingedwheelpodcast.libsyn.com/rss


  1. I don't normally believe in curses, but my god get rid of that stupid Priority patch. Team is playing like trash, even Mo is playing like trash.
    The Avs game today is the first game all season I couldn't finish watching.

  2. Time for Steve to sell. This is a repeat of last year's back to back beatings from Ottawa

  3. For those of you saying this is the best Red Wings podcast you should really check out Locked On Red Wings, by the time Winged Wheel releases an episode it's old news and not up to date

  4. Lucas Raymond agent are JP.Barry, the same agent as Pasta, Barzal and Dougie.H and so on.. Its not gone be an 8 year deal here, No way.

    Moritz Seider agent are Claude Lemieux, No way he gone let his client sign a 8 year deal, not gone happening.

    Steve Yzerman can be happy if he manages to sign both of these for 6 year contracts, I expect it to land around 3/5 year contracts. Which is good for RW, as they can both be signed at max length on their second contracts and take them both to the age of 30 without fitting the 30 year mark which takes them well into their mid 30's and past their prime, as a bad contract.

  5. I dont mean to be "that guy" I dont get where people think this is a good team and a team that can compete in the playoffs (if they even make it lol) I dont see it even in a few years just way too many holes everywhere. Lyon is below average (statistically) our defense is laughable and though Raymond and Seider have taken a step it wasn't the step we thought. This is not a contender and won't be for a while. We can beat bad teams all day but when it comes to competing against good teams we aren't good enough.

  6. We just got PUMPED by the Avs. We looked horrible. Not speaking out of emotion, we looked HORRIBLE. I really don’t think we’re going to make it boys. Call it a doomer take, but it looks bad. They looked worse than I’ve seen all season. I truly can’t recall a game last year where we looked this bad.

  7. Defense looked absolutely pedestrian at best but realistically it was nonexistent. How were we being outsped by their entire roster?! not just Nate. Letting so many odd man rushes and just losing races with them charging straight at our net. Easily Seiders worst game of his career. Bad penalties. No puck possession either. Plain awful.

    With what it took for Vegas to get Hanafin, I can’t imagine why Steve wouldn’t be willing to pay that, and I really wish he would have. Would really help our D-core.
    At this point I’m just really hoping Steve doesn’t see these past 3 games, and the Larkin injury and decides to sell

  8. I’m tired of these veterans on this team. I want Edvinsson. Edvinsson should be up here already. Berggren should’ve been up here all season. I’d rather watch younger players make mistakes and learn then watch meaningless hockey from vets who are not going to be here in the future. Other teams are sticking young players in there lineups and they are learning and growing.

  9. All year I've felt this team is a mirage, then Jan and Feb came then I was starting to believe. Now my initial thoughts have come to fruition. Edvidson may help but not enough. Stop blaming the patch, I'm superstious at times but that's nonsense, this team is what they are.

  10. No way Yzerman is making a move, 2nd best prospect pool in the NHL and the fact that this team is still in it and can play good hockey when healthy (i.e. when Larkin is healthy), he takes the chance and sees what we can do this year. Think back to October everyone, the highest expectation was meaningful games coming down the stretch and that's what we're getting. There's still time for this team, LGRW! And I know it's sacrilege for a Wings fan to say this but as a hockey fan, my God, is Colorado good. if the Wings aren't going on a deep run this year, a Avs/Panthers final would be insane.

  11. What is this the clueless bandwagon comments thread?? LET ME REMIND EVERYONE. Yzerman already made up his mind on what he wants to do in January(just like he did last year) not just a week ago. I believe Yzerman stays put with this current roster and calls any result a win cuz of the statistical improvements. Idk why we're still getting prospects complaints in mid-late season but seriously zip it, it's old. Everyone is acting like the sky is falling being chased by a mid NYI playoff team.

  12. Want to improve your defence? Call up edvinsson/johansson .. we’re in no position to be adding guys shorterm when we won’t be winning squat. Heck even pens now if they win the games in hand will be 4 pts back

    We’re not even certain to make the playoffs . Add someone young with term or call up the kids giving up top assets and adding buchnevich or vatrano,chychrun makes zero sense when they can walk in 2025

    And stay the f*ck away from Brian rust

  13. Since taking over, Yzerman has drafted defense men who haven't been able to replace horrible veterans. Newsy was not a good choice either.

  14. I'm sorry but if we don't clear out some guys on the blue line for Johansson or Edvinsson to be called up, this is an absolute failure. Petry and Holl suck. Edvinsson cannot be worse than them. Also, if we don't clear out a forward spot or move Berggren, that's another failure. He clearly has no intent in being in the organization (and I don't blame him) so move him. Whether it's buying for a big piece or selling off a couple guys to make room for Griffins, just do something. Standing pat at the deadline and doing nothing would be a disaster. Also, re: Seider and Raymond, I can't believe if you told me this at the beginning of the year, but I'd more take the gamble of signing Raymond long term than Seider. My guess is both sign extensions the same day for the same amounts. 6 years x $7 mill

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