@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Ai-je bien entendu? XD

Ai-je bien entendu? XD



  1. anthonyd3ca

    Lmaooo this is one of those mind fuck things where you can hear 2 different things like laurel/yanny

  2. SnooMaps609

    Lmfao it gets funnier the more times you listen to it

  3. TheUpwardSpiralDown

    I definitely heard fucked too, I was walking out of the room and stopped in my tracks and did a double take to my tv

  4. Highlander-36

    I heard fucked but could also hear thumped a little.

  5. PastPerfekt

    I heard thumped clear as day. Get your hearing checked.

  6. vanessaeverly

    Ok I thought the same thing!!!! Then convinced myself « nah they wouldn’t say that on air »

  7. Thick-Ball25

    Definitely heard fucked the first time.

  8. OriginalWiseElder

    It’s 100% thumped. Anyone he hears definitely needs to go to an audiologist. It’s a sign of impaired hearing when you can’t hear the « thhhh » and « mmmp » sound.

    It’s the last part of phonetics that toddlers usually say, it’s due to how the nerve transfers the signal.

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