@Capitals de Washington

Une vidéo probablement partagée 92 000 fois ici, mais aujourd’hui tout aussi mélancolique. Adieu, doux prince.

Une vidéo probablement partagée 92 000 fois ici, mais aujourd’hui tout aussi mélancolique. Adieu, doux prince.



  1. TheLastArizona

    Love you, Kuzy. Thanks for the cup.

  2. KitKat2theMax

    Kuzy is always a Cap. Wishing him the best.

    (Love watching Ovi on that replay. Speed on the breakaway, the feed, and then he just coasts and watches. You can feel his hopeful energy.)

  3. ozolinsh_27

    Oh man, this hurts so much. I was already a Caps fan and got to see Kuzy a few times in the 2010 World Juniors, I remember having to keep referring to the roster list to see who #17 was. Then the Caps drafted him. Then we won the Cup with him

    🥺 never want to see anyone struggle, this one really really hurts

  4. dontyoutellmetosmile

    Shit, I don’t care if someone posts the same link two minutes from now. I’ll watch it again, haha

  5. letters2nora

    This gave me chills. What an epic call by Walton too. Gonna miss Kuzy

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