@Ducks d'Anaheim

Vatrano Appréciation, content qu’il soit toujours avec nous après la date limite.

Happy Verbeek a supporté le coût pour lui, et nous pouvons garder un buteur de plus de 20 buts avec un excellent contrat.



  1. dracomaster01

    Definitely expected him to be moved but im good with keeping him.

  2. just98rules

    Now here’s to hoping Rico comes back in the offseason 🤞🏻

  3. CaptainDuck93

    Yeah I’m glad Pat stood firm on what he valued his players at. He’s been cookin.

  4. If you look back at deadline deals GMs don’t often overpay for 1 year wonders like vatrano. That’s why I’m fine with this move, I really don’t think there were teams giving what verbeek considered to be good value for him. This way we keep him for another year and can still trade him at the deadline where he’ll fetch a lot more if he puts together anywhere near the same numbers next year. The guys teams overpay for are usually name players, even if they aren’t having amazing years, like Martin St Louis, Eric Staal, Iginla, Thomas Vanek.

  5. thehawktopus

    Really thought Detroit would come in as the dark horse to trade candidate for Vatrano

  6. Kirk420

    As soon as we used our third salary retention I knew he was staying. Glad we stuck to our guns and didn’t take a crappy deal like a lot of teams did.

  7. GadsenLOD

    I’m fine because the returns didn’t end up being that great. If you had asked me a week ago I’d have said he’s getting dealt for sure and someone’s forking over a 1st + a prospect. Smart move to stand pat imo.

    Next year, with a healthy Carlsson, Zegras, McTavish, Terry, and Gauthier… Not to mention Elliotte Friedman hinting that the Ducks could be active in adding a vet or two in FA this off-season.. he may put up another pretty good season. Maybe not the 30+ goals he could hit this year, but still valuable for the deadline next year.

  8. Sea_Lingonberry8443

    Absolutely horrible move by Pat. His value will never be higher than it was this deadline

  9. Unsound_Science

    I’m whelmed. Could have gone either way with a trade or keeping him.

  10. AlarmedPermit5910

    He’s a shooter and the Ducks have lacked those players for too long. He’s gotta stick around.

  11. charliebean3

    Super relieved. We need some positive energy for the rest of the season, especially with all the injuries to key talent.

    Also F Vegas.

  12. No-Doctor-4396

    I hope we keep him until 2025 trade deadline and give our young core more leadership. Goal is to be a .500 team next year.

  13. ChiefRedKnee

    Me and my sister were stressing about it this whole week lol. I was just waiting for that post about him being traded

  14. AndiagoSupremo

    Listening to offers makes sense, but taking the W of a talented scorer at a good contract is great. Next year looks to most likely be a team of 20 goal scorers with no one able to be “the guy”. Win by having someone else making the big plays each night.

    Next year is time to start trying to win instead of always building.

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