@Red Wings de Détroit

🔴 EN DIRECT : Steve Yzerman | Date limite des échanges dans la LNH pour 2024

🔴 EN DIRECT : Steve Yzerman | Date limite des échanges dans la LNH pour 2024



  1. mlody_91

    Was really hoping we could give Holl a new home…

  2. I’m hoping they send a defenseman down and bring Edvinsson up. Does Holl have a NMC, or can he be waived?

  3. Preset_Squirrel

    This is honestly what I expected from the deadline. Not super interesting but it fits where we are right now

  4. MemeLordOverKill

    Ah so this means we’re 100% done on the day

  5. LilBowWow42069

    I’m fine with not doing anything, but why does everyone act like we have some war chest of prospects? Beyond Ed and ASP it’s just a bunch of bottom 6 forwards and 3rd pairing defensemen.

  6. fraxior

    oh good at least he’s alive. I was worried sick that he drowned in a Jacuzzi or something.

  7. oceanic8675

    It’s also on Facebook if you wanna have a laugh at the comments 😂

  8. Hotel_Putingrad

    I thought we might dangle Augustine to make a play for Saris or Markstrom, but oh well.

    Lyon is leaking oil badly. If Husso doesn’t come back so they can at least split starts, they’re going to miss the playoffs.

  9. BellsBeersy

    Key points:

    – Yzerman is starting to feel like this can be a playoff team, and we are actively trying to make it happen.

    – Does not want to give up futures just to have a better shot of just getting into the playoffs. Wants to hang onto 2nd and 3rd round picks, which were common asking prices for pieces he discussed with other GMs.

    – Berggren and Edvinsson are coming along nicely, and that affected his choice to stand pat. Says the next 12-15 years are much more important than just this year for those players.

    – Edvinsson specifically was kept in Grand Rapids all year because he wanted him to get a lot of time running the power play, get big minutes in general, and get more offensive deployment.

    – Emotional aspect does affect if you trade players, and it would affect the chemistry the Wings currently have.

  10. bembermerries

    I just had this crazy notion we would go for a goalie at the deadline. The deadline is done with and that’s obviously not the case. What would you give up for Markstrom? Burgers, a 1st and husso work you think?

  11. magikarp-sushi

    I’m not mad or disappointed, I’m just not happy we’re on a losing streak

  12. purvel_catsyuk

    Stevie’s « Willander » and « Wallinder » mixup with saying « sorry, Willander is in another organization » afterwards makes wonder what trade may have been discussed with the Canucks and/or if Willander was someone we were interested in during the draft.

    Either way, I hope we get him somehow and get a future pairing of Willander-Wallinder.

  13. Wrath_Of_Aguirre

    This is the deadline we should have wanted. We need to focus on what we have and keep rolling with it. Any big decisions are for the summer. Yzerman is playing it smart.

  14. Fair-Chipmunk4376

    Wouldn’t have minded a Jason Zucker especially at that low of a price. Thats it though, not in a position to be trading premium draft picks and prospects for rentals and it seems like the guys we could have been interested in with term stayed put. Decent day, now push for playoffs with the group we have.

  15. fentown

    The year we see Stevie handing out 1st round picks like he’s Ken Holland at an aging role player auction is gonna be an amazing ride.

  16. Savenura55

    We have a metric shit ton of talent in the a. We need to make room for those guys. Picking up players that are rentals and losing assets is not a winning strategy. Next yr we will see if we need something to push up deep into the playoffs you’ll see something different

  17. commando_rambo

    I didn’t watch the press conference but I actually think our last 3 games did more to convice him to stand pat and play the long game than to try to improve the team now. It’s clear as day that we’ll be one of the weakest playoff teams if we make it, and giving away futures would be ass backwards rn.

  18. Loud-Anteater-8415

    Islanders didn’t make any moves either

  19. itsthisortwitter

    Steve Yzerman’s silky smooth voice put my 3 year old to sleep tonight. A little early for her, but if this hockey thing doesn’t work out for Steve he could have a career reading children’s audiobooks.

  20. No_Violinist5363

    I’m a little disappointed by this deadline but I get it – this is a team that has been getting its ass handed to them for the past week by better teams and one guy isn’t going to fix that. If they make playoffs and Lyon gets hot again, who knows? But obviously they’re not expecting much.

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