@Canucks de Vancouver

Conférence de presse du directeur général des Canucks, Patrik Allvin, sur la date limite des échanges

Le directeur général Patrik Allvin s’adresse aux médias après la date limite des échanges dans la LNH en 2024. Si vous souhaitez vous tenir au courant de toutes les dernières nouvelles, faits saillants, fonctionnalités et contenu All-Access Canucks, assurez-vous de vous abonner à l’un ou à tous nos flux sociaux, que vous pouvez trouver ci-dessous. #Canucks Abonnez-vous à la chaîne YouTube officielle des Canucks ici : http://www.youtube.com/Canucks Vous pouvez également nous suivre sur Twitter (@Canucks) : http://twitter.com/canucks Consultez notre page Facebook : http ://facebook.com/canucks Voir des photos et des vidéos sur Instagram : http://instagram.com/Canucks Chaque chaîne est assez unique, donc si vous voulez voir tout ce que les Canucks ont, vous voudrez certainement consulter chaque chaîne.


  1. Was really hoping for a Toffoli reunion, but oh well. Still exciting that this team is in a position to appropriately buy at the deadline again.

  2. I'd comment in detail about this but I already know I'd be wrong, based on how the comments section works. +WINK+

  3. As a lifetime fan of the Nucks, I am very happy to hear the GTM of my team speak positively about the team and have the foresight to make moves early. Patrik Alvine has a plan and the intelligence to surround himself with good people. The playoffs look exciting

  4. The only thing I would have liked to have seen added to the lineup- other than obviously the addition of a Toffoli, Guentzel, Bushnevich, or Vatrano for depth scoring- is a bit more sandpaper, like an Okposo, Greenway, or Dumba.

  5. tbh hes right. The team is fine the way it is, already made big trades before the deadline and the young top prospects are off limits.
    If it aint broke, dont fix it

  6. Here's a thought. How about put PDG on the Pettersson line? Hear me out. He was pretty good in the Miller line at the start as someone who can go forecheck and dig the puck out of the corner. I don't see Suter is particularly effective in Pettersson's line. Give PDG 5 games to see how it works out.

  7. sad we didnt get too see kessel sign but hey i agree with what alvins doing the team really doesnt need anything

  8. Too bad we didn't get another top 6. Think that was the missing piece to this roster.

    Toffoli was perfect for us.

    Now I wish Winnipeg the worst of luck going forward.

  9. Would have rather had Toffoli than Lindholm……..Sigh. Toffoli's gonna kill us in the playoffs if we play Winnipeg ?

  10. I am actually quite happy we didn't trade any prospects or picks away. We have some great young players in our pipeline and we went through dark times to get them.

  11. Lindholm and Mikheyev have to get they're heads out of there asses or we won't go deep in the playoffs.

  12. Well it seems like he's not all in but only half in, which makes no sense in trading for Lindholm because they wont be able to Resign him. and With Suter and Mikheyev in the top 6 wont get it done in the playoffs.

  13. Toffoli cost a 2nd and a 3rd (in diff years) and 50% salary was retained. He would have been perfect for vancouver.

  14. Happy Canucks didn’t sell the farm for one playoff run. Still would have liked to see them acquire a depth winger with some size and grit. You don’t need to mortgage the future to accomplish that. Trade a guy already on the roster if need be.

  15. It’s too bad he couldn’t find a way to offload that Mikheyev contract. I would have been satisfied with that at the very least.

  16. As much as I was hoping for some additions it makes me happy to see they are being smart with this then the last regime

  17. So glad that they didn’t trade for anyone else and went all in this year and ruin our future! We’re going to be a powerhouse for many years to come! 🥰

  18. Personally disappointed Phil the Thrill couldn't be signed. Even as a league minimum player on the 4th line or just as a locker room bro, it'd have been a good story and also generate some fun excitement come playoff time.

  19. Rumours were that teams wanted top Canucks prospects like Lekkermaki and Willander in trades. I am glad Allvin did not give up these guys!

  20. Has anyone noticed that Patrick Allvin has become more comfortable speaking to the media? When he first arrived, he had a tendency to mumble and stutter with his answers. Now he is clear and articulate with his approach.

    What a great GM. The management group is stellar. They have a vision, plan and the patience to deliver.

  21. You gotta respect that he didn't just trade the whole farm system. Held his ground. Could you imagine trading Willander or Lekkerimaki for Guentzel, then losing 1st round and Guentzel leaving in FA? Respect to Patrick for following his procedures to success.

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