@Wild du Minnesota

Repêchage d’expansion du Seattle Kraken 2021 : qui pourrait perdre le Wild du Minnesota

Le repêchage d’expansion du Seattle Kraken de 2021 n’est que dans quelques mois, et la dernière saison de la LNH sans Kraken a dépassé la mi-parcours ! Cela signifie qu’il est temps de commencer à examiner quelles équipes pourraient protéger et qui sera disponible pour que le Seattle Kraken participe au repêchage d’expansion. Il y a encore une saison de NHL (ou une partie d’une) d’ici là, donc beaucoup de choses pourraient changer, mais je ne peux plus attendre ! Le Wild du Minnesota se trouve dans une situation intéressante dans l’état actuel des choses. Avec 3 clauses d’interdiction de mouvement du côté défensif et une profondeur décente du côté avant, Matt Dumba projetterait d’être disponible si rien ne changeait. Mais comme il n’est pas le genre de joueur qu’une équipe serait prête à perdre pour rien, quelque chose va très probablement changer dans les mois à venir. Dumba sera-t-il échangé ? Suter fera-t-il signe à son NMC ? ou le Wild conclurait-il un accord avec Seattle ? Ce ne sont que des spéculations à ce stade, j’aimerais donc entendre vos commentaires dans les commentaires ci-dessous ! Pour des questions sur les règles du draft d’extension : https://youtu.be/uz_WHcrCZO0 Autres actualités Kraken et mise à jour des règles : https://youtu.be/2sKheggYm_o Suivez-moi sur twitter si vous le souhaitez : https:// twitter.com/ScottBrenden Ou Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Cheap-Seats-Sports-105979818195080


  1. Outstanding video as always. I fully expect them to trade Dumba or get Suter to waive to go 7-3-1, they won’t risk Greenway or Eriksson Ek. I think they select Soucy or FWD prospect like Sturm

  2. StURm, not StRUm. I think Rask's $4 mil deal was the first time you mentioned contracts, which will be a bigger factor than I think you realize. Marcus Johansson has not played well for the Wild yet this year, and regardless of that, his contract expires after this season. The same contract situation applies to Bonino. Minnesota will not have to consider protecting either player. I expect Hartman, who was a former 1st round pick and flashes some skill like it, to be the most appealing forward available from Minnesota. A Dumba trade seems inevitable, so Soucy offers physicality and playoff experience on a contract that seems a little high for a 3rd pair guy. Belpedio has a more offense to his game, but is definitely an unproven, older defensive prospect. Those two are the most appealing defensemen that will likely be available.

  3. No effin way do we protect Johansson. He won’t even be on the team after this year cause he’s contract is up.

  4. Just need to do your homework better on what contracts are expiring. As it's said before, Johansson won't likely be extended and will walk.

  5. No way Wild do a side deal to protect Dumba. They did that with VGK and ended up giving them Alex Tuch basically for free. If Suter doesn't waive his NMC, I would much rather let Dumba go than give up on another young prospect.

  6. They'd have to resign MJ if they would want to protect him, but, no way they would protect him over Greenway. I expect them to trade him at the deadline.

  7. This is a team that the Kraken will have to pause over. I believe Minn will go with the 4+4 and protect the 4 defensive team members. I think this will end up super for Seattle. They have 5 NMC players which they might try to trade with permission first. Then they could go back to the 7+3. also Talbot will be exposed. Not what Seattle is looking for in Goalies. I think it will get down to Fiala very young but so much potential or Nick Bjugstad. I sure am hoping they don't try to trade Nick, for he would do well as one of our forwards. He is doing quite well this year. Okay, If the wild does go as you say 7+3 then I also believe that Dumbo would be the guy we take. Also Greenway would be a very good pick. I thought about Bolino but since he his doing so well this year I would be more than happy to get him. 32 seems to be getting better with age. Hartman is just an average player and I believe we might as well go young.

  8. No way we protect Johansson, if the Wild were to deem that they want to protect a player just due to his stature as a center they would more likely protect Nico Sturm. One the kid is young, will be team friendly and has speed.

    This is why the Wild go the 8-1 route. Protecting Parise, Zuccarello, Fiala and Ek. On the back end it will be Spurg, Brodin, Dumba and Soucy.

    The logical solution though is Parise will waive his no move clause allowing for the protection to be given to Greenway or Foligno. Per GM Guerin it sounds like it’s more in Folignos court to be the protected forward rather than Greenway.

  9. I wouldn’t write off the Wild as contenders just yet. Definitely have to step up in the playoffs, which has been a problem in the past, but when this team is on they can play with anybody.

    But valid points about what they do next offseason. Guerin will have to get creative, but so far he’s been pretty good at that. I think they’ll end up making a trade like they did with Seattle like they did with Vegas (maybe a draft pick or two in exchange for taking a player the Wild are more comfortable with giving up)

  10. Lmao who the hell picked the name kraken and those horrible looking colors 😂. That person should be fired.

  11. Dumba averages the most playing time for our defense… if anything Johansson goes

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