@Ligue nationale de hockey

Boston Vs Vegas – Quelle est l’équipe la plus détestée ?

Il y a beaucoup de haine pour mes Bruins, mais j’ai aussi vu une tonne de haine pour Vegas ces derniers temps, en particulier avec leur victoire en coupe et les récents changements dans la date limite des échanges. Quelle équipe est la plus détestée ? Si Fleury était encore à Vegas, j’ai l’impression que je n’aurais même pas à poser cette question



  1. Parking_Resolution63

    Boston is mostly hated because of 1 rat. Vegas is hated bc they are a cheat organization exploiting the system.

  2. Responsible-Dot-8251

    If Vegas could get way with cheating like the Astros, they would.

  3. Republic-Of-OK

    I don’t hate either. Primarily a Flames fan for context. Both are strong teams but don’t exactly make you mad with their play or personalities. LTIR can be dumb, but can’t fault GM’s using rules as they are laid out.

  4. REDitor_31

    Ha trick question answer is Toronto! Second pick Montreal

  5. JalenHurtsKelce

    Fuck Boston but mostly because of the rat

  6. I’d pick the Panthers over the Bruins or Golden Knights.

  7. whitecorn

    I don’t really mind Vegas at all.. Boston would be the easy choice here for me.

  8. RedRocket13

    This is hilarious lol

    On a sub that constantly complains about how much people talk about the Leafs, over half of the comments talk about the Leafs on a post about a choice between Boston or Vegas

    You can’t make it up man

  9. erectcunt

    Boston is respectfully hated. Vegas is just hated. Everyone saying Toronto is confusing « hated » with « laughed at. »

  10. Randy_Butternubs666

    Out of these two . . . Vegas. But fuck the rags.

  11. Gwalchmaiaplot1963

    Usually and eternally the Leafs. Although now I’m more indifferent to them. Pretty sure most people hate Panthers more this year. Vegas for their suspicious LTIR use , allowing them to sign players who otherwise wouldn’t fit under the cap is a close second, imo.I don’t hate Boston just Marchand.

  12. JiffTheJester

    Vegas. Marchand is the only shitty part about Boston and he’s not that bad anymore

  13. likesexonlycheaper

    Only team I hate in the East is the Redwings. So it’s Vegas by a landslide for me

  14. Freak_Out_Bazaar

    If Boston didn’t have the history I would have hated Boston more but Vegas still feels so… fictional in many ways

  15. Lovelyday4aguinness_

    Canadiens fans, then the Canadiens

  16. lemonbugss

    Boston: hate but in a legit sportsfan sort of way where if they won the cup I’d absolutely hate it but respect it. They play talented, hard, and a little dirty, like hockey is supposed to be.

    Vegas: Hate with absolutely no respect, I spit in the face of the franchise!! Wishing for their karmic demise! As a wise woman once said, they can go kick rocks with open toed shoes.

  17. PapasvhillyMonster

    Right now it’s Vegas cause they are cup champs and taking advantage of cap

  18. Leftregularr

    It’s Vegas for me. This cap bullshit and their fans coping has been irritating.

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