@Devils du New Jersey

Les Devils du New Jersey ont échangé Tyler Toffoli aux Jets de Winnipeg contre 2 choix au repêchage !

Avec tout le battage médiatique autour de Tyler Toffoli et étant l’un des derniers attaquants du top 6 sur le marché, le retour des Devils du NJ a été moins que prévu ! Toffoli suscitait beaucoup d’intérêt de la part de nombreuses équipes et les Diables n’ont pu obtenir qu’un 2e et un 3e choix pour lui. Les Jets de Winnipeg ont marqué lors de cet échange en se classant parmi les 6 meilleurs attaquants et en ajoutant de la profondeur à une bonne formation. #njdevils #tylertoffoli #winnipegjets #newjerseydevils


  1. I wonder if they've got an agreement to re-sign him in the off-season. That way you're getting 2 picks for a rental

  2. I've bent over backwards to defend Fitzgerald for having a great summer.. however those days are over.. this really feels horrible right now..I know you are a big Tyler guy so I know you feel the same way…

  3. No one is happy with this return, but none of the other trades resulted in 1st round pick. If this is used to acquire a goalie all is good. No one had an issue with losing Sharangovich over the summer when Tiffoli was traded. Everyone was claiming Fitzgerald masterclass. Did we forget that Sharangovich only scored 13 goals the year prior and was a mess at times in Lindy's rush system? He never showed this level of improvement even when he was paired with Jack last year. I didn't want to see him go but happy he's doing well in Calgary but he was in a similiar situation Holtz is in now last year.

  4. I don't know what people realistically expected to get back in return. Nobody with a valuable 1st round pick was going to give that up for a journeyman like Toffoli. Yes, he was producing, but most 1st rounders that were likely to be available in a trade have already been moved. I'm sure Fitz was trying to get moves done but this ended up being the best he was offered. Teams know that there's blood in the water here and they weren't about to get fleeced by Fitz. He wasn't going to get a top tier goalie for Toffoli, he wasn't going to get anything other than some picks to use in a trade in the post-season. Yes, I wish we got more in return, but this is about what I expected given the circumstances. It's a bummer, but it is what it is and we can only hope to see a good deal or two made when the season wraps up.

  5. I don't like this but it's good to save money get assets and please tom Fitzgerald please get someone in the summer such as a goalie and fa

  6. Wished it was to a team with a 1st, or a 2nd rounder with a low to mid level prospect. Supposedly, we just got Jake Allen from MTL.

  7. Rather have this yrs 2nd rounder that Jets have from Montreal, than next years, would much rather get a 1st but this is horrible, i liked TT and wish we signed, heard his agent was looking 5-6 yr we were pushing 3-4 yrs, which i would prefer also.. love u rocking Maiden, is that Live after Death, i see the Lightning Bolt?? Probably THE greatest live album out there… 🤘🏻 btw this trade sucked..

  8. Not much of a return but good luck with the Thrashers Tyler Toffoli. Hope you have a nice long run in the playoffs.

  9. Absolutely horrible Deal ,I'm done defending Fitz ,tried to keep faith ,but nope ,he blew it ,just like he blew it on the goaltender deal ,Jake Allen another under .900 goaltender ,seriously ?

  10. Horrible deal by Fitz.. giving away two solid players for 3rd and 4th round picks !! No wonder we are on the down.

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