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L’attaquant des Rangers Matt Rempe voit son but annulé dans l’un des non-buts les plus proches que vous verrez ! Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne pour les dernières actions de hockey en cliquant sur le gros bouton rouge brillant ABONNEZ-VOUS. Dernières nouvelles, scores, statistiques, analyses et faits saillants en temps réel : https://www.nhl.com Vous vous sentez social ? Twitter : http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook : http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram : http://instagram.com/nhl


  1. if you looked at it from the front angle you would be able to see white, definitely a goal in my books but whatever

  2. When reviewing a call, evidence has to be 100%.conclusive to.overturn it…. I'll be honest, I am a Rangers fan, but I wouldn't say that was 100% conclusive… in the end still won. Good game!!

  3. Imagine if they had sensors in the pucks to be able to tell if it crossed the line in seconds rather than having to review that takes too long.

  4. I’m sensing a nhl weird flashback when the rangers had pucks on the line and not go fully over the goal line

  5. Rempe is an absolute menace and when everyone said “yeah bro but can u play hockey” he shut them all up rq dudes an absolute unit

  6. how hard would it be to just put a red laser in the goal so you can see if the puck breaks the plane or not? These camera angles are never exactly from above so it's possible this puck crossed over but the camera angle is creating an optical illusion. I just want the right call. Would hate to see a good goal pulled back in a playoff game.

  7. Even from the overhead view (as opposed to goal cam) it is pretty clearly on the red line the whole time.

  8. That puck bounced onto white ice past the line. The only part hitting the ice was the side of the puck, and it was only TOUCHING white ice. Now, if part of the puck touches goal territory while the rest of the puck is still in the air but not completely past the line, what should the ruling be. I think that on an offsides call, in regard to a players skates, he'll still be called offside even if his rear-end is not past the line, but both his skates have crossed the line. Wouldn't this make the same sense as a puck only touching ice on one side of a line?

  9. Okay. New post. I watched replays 50 times. That puck was COMPLETELY well past the line. Poor depth perception from every camera angle, but look at at the camera footage from behind Rempe. That puck bounced at least once or twice a good six inches past that line. Outrageous to overrule the initial call.

  10. The puck was on an angle as it hit the ice and rolling for a split second with clear white space between the puck and red line. Of course the overhead view isnt going to show that if the puck is on an angle tilting toward the red line. If the rule is to determine only by the overhead view then its no goal. But there's no decption from the head on view where you can see the white space. It definitely crossed the line from that perspective. Change the review process. In the end it didnt matter bc the Blues got destroyed. But sucks for the young kid.

  11. I said this a few weeks ago… he’s not a goon just looking to fight, he wants to be a complete hockey player. Although that one didn’t go in for him, it shows what an important part of this team he is going to be.

  12. He thought it was in. If he had any doubt he could’ve followed up and tap it in. Toronto sucks, they always go against the Rangers

  13. I was there. It was the right call. I honestly don't know if I've seen a closer non goal in my life. It's all good. This kid is doing so much more than just being a goon. He's taking accurate shots and crashing the net. The goals will come.

  14. If only one part of the puck is touching the ice surface while the rest of the puck is only touching air then that's a goal in my book. The rule book doesn't address this issue. It needs to. Think of the offsides rule. That rule addresses skates touching ice and line, regardless of where the player's remaining body parts and equipment are. Think about it.

  15. Overhead cameras' telephoto/zoom lenses can be very, very deceptive. That puck was completely in goal territory, in its entirety.

  16. I have never seen a puck hop like that. It just hopped on it's side, down the red line. If it would of spun it would of technically been all the way over. But it just hopped

  17. The zoom lens from above is distorting the amount of white ice beteweem puck and line. There is a lot more ice on the other side of the puck. Zoom lenses cause MAJOR distortions. Ever watch a baseball home run derby? Notice how different the baseballs look? Lol. Well that camera, over 400 feet away is adjusting for the fact that the pitcher is not standing on the rubber, but about 6 feet closer to the batter. This is standard practice for piching batting practice. So the camera makes a "slight adjustment" to his zoom and now the baseball looks different from game pitches. All because of a 6 foot adjustment from 400 feet away the baseball now looks like a puffy rubber ball. Insane.

  18. That was a goal,and as usual the crooked refs have it in for the rangers.

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