@Canucks de Vancouver

J’ai rencontré quelques garçons

Nous étions dehors pour une soirée de bowling en famille et presque toute l’équipe liée à la coupe était là. Mes garçons ont eu la chance de prendre quelques photos avec Petey et Dakota. Des humains si adorables.



  1. Old_Bigsby

    The fuck does Dakota Joshua think he’s doing? He better not be bowling with his injured hand or else I’m going to write a strongly-worded comment on reddit!

  2. globehopper2000

    Does Joshua have tp stuck to his foot?

  3. stilllaughing

    Is that revs? Boys about to get in a 20 person parking lot scrap

  4. burgleshams

    Awesome! That’s a night your boys will never forget.

    Also, please someone get Petey an iron or a steamer 😂😂

  5. Grapesodazoo2

    I’m imagining Miller dropping the biggest F bomb after throwing a gutter ball

  6. DashBee22

    Did you get any HD photos of Joshua’s wrist by chance?

  7. Express-Security-771

    Can picture Tyler Myers arguing with the employees about rules or trying to add extra frames.

  8. Apprehensive-Tea4881

    This is so wholesome 🥹 even on their days off they still wanna hang.

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