@Flyers de Philadelphie

Jon Tortorella a suspendu deux matchs avec une amende de 50 000 $,

Jon Tortorella a suspendu deux matchs avec une amende de 50 000 $,



  1. OldDrumGuy

    Just show up in fake glasses and mustache. The refs won’t see it. 🥸

  2. CaffeineAndGrain

    What I can’t believe is rats like Marchand and Wilson can nearly kill a man on the ice and get less suspension than Torts telling the ref what we all want to

  3. Future-cthe3rdeye

    Daniel Hilferty said they would cover the fines. Glad to see them backing Tortorella.

  4. Fastlane19

    When will the refs be held accountable/suspended for blowing games or intentionally making calls against teams because of a personal vendetta

  5. SerbianSlayer

    Wait so is Tampa one of the games or is it the next two games?

  6. GimmickyBulb

    First Big Dom now this. The only thing these guys have done wrong is have a vowel at the end of their last names 🇮🇹

  7. knight_who_says_fuck

    Possibly makes him the most flyera coach ever. Just saying I can’t recall the last time a flyers coach got suspended… anyone?

  8. Other-Oil-5035

    What exactly did he say that was different from any other time he’s gotten angry?

  9. corpseluvver

    Dogshit, unsubstantiated and illogical bullying from the refs, who will continue to shove league standards down the toilet and remain immune from all accountability themselves. 

    Stay classy, NHL

  10. Carittz

    What kind of car does Wes McCauley drive and where do the refs park? Asking for a friend.

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