@Flyers de Philadelphie

La LNH a un problème MAJEUR…

Tortorella refuse de partir après avoir été expulsé… nous en parlerons et plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ! #hockey #nhl #philadelphiaflyers #tampabaylightning


  1. No chance I would EVER pay ANY amount of money because of someone else's fuck up. These refs are fucking scumbags and cheaters, fuck em. I would be as disrespectful as possible EVERY night.

  2. I always liked Wes McCauley, but he looked bad tonight. Now he's just another ref that sucks.

  3. The owners are the only ones that could say something about the officiating and possibly a change. oh and Wes Mccauley is a POS, worst ref i've seen in ages.

  4. As a Leaf fan I'm absolutely shocked that your call for more referee accountability hasn't been dismissed with the counter argument "cry".

    Kidding, that's not a shock at all because the fine line between trying to make the league better and whining about a call comes down to what colour jersey the guys have on.

  5. Not a Torts fan, the guy is a clown but that said, McCauley was obviously emotional when he announced the ejection. He obviously let something creep into that decision so I think there was some bias in this that shouldnt have been there

  6. Lol you don't have to be an expert at reading lips to understand what Tort's is saying here. I blame it all on Wes McCauley as he is as useless as a zebra. #WeLoveTort's

  7. The biggest thing that stood out to me when the Flyers were down 4-0 was the shots on goal. Tampa Bay was outshooting them 14-2 at that point and was on pace for about 85 shots. Tortorella should have saved some of those F-bombs for his defense.

  8. Refs should be accountable and rated per game. I have seen badly reffed games. Calls were not consistent. The refs have too much authority in games and this invites gambling corruption. I would love to see a ref board review games, rate and reprimand refs if necessary.

  9. No offense, but I've seen the headline "the NHL has a big problem" like 10 times since last year, all referring to different things

  10. I really like Torts, he adds a lot to the game……Bettsy should start fining the lousy officials doing games these days, they make phamtom calls and they let obvious calls go, the officiating has never been as bad as it is now.

  11. Please acquaint the referees with hockey rules and start calling infractions without evening the number of penalties…NHL is tuening into a Fake exhibition like wrestling.

  12. Coach ejections should be handled like manager ejections in baseball. When manager get ejected they basically get to walk out on the field, say their peice to the ump then leave. Have the same for hockey

  13. Enough with the goddamn vague titles, Eck. Jesus.
    That's the move of a shitty clickbait channel.

    Be better. Just fuggin put the topic in the title. 🙄

  14. As a Flyers fan, I can admit that they played like garbage. HOWEVER… the "penalties" that were called leading up to this was some of the worst officiating I've ever seen, and I've been watching hockey religiously for 45 yrs. Wes McCauley is a giant clown that thinks he needs to be the star of the game and apparently the other guy was a rookie, which is no excuse for being terrible. Torts deserves a statue.
    I could rant on this endlessly, so I'll give it a rest. Love your content, Eck.

  15. Need AI as referee in NHL. There’s just no standard for calls being made. Every time NHL brings new rules to implement it only lasts couple months. Crosscheck being most recent example. The worst is playoff officiating where referee just refuse to make penalty calls.

  16. The refs have already decided this game in the 1st period , and the NHL is OK with that .

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