@Ligue nationale de hockey

La minute la moins sérieuse du hockey

La minute la moins sérieuse du hockey



  1. SnooOpinions8755

    I’ll always love you Guentzel. Go get ‘em 🥹

  2. ViolinistMean199

    Clearly this guy didn’t watch pens sens OT

  3. Pratius

    Man, my heart was in my throat for that entire sequence

  4. MommyPegMePlease

    I needed to quick change half way through watching that.

  5. BigWolfRXS

    Aho’s unselfishness makes me itch sometimes. 🥺😔

  6. -cyg-nus-

    This is supposed to be hockey, but it looks more like Pong.

  7. Luke_Cold_Lyle

    Lol, that pinch by the Canes defenseman (or forward maybe?) right after the first rush was so terrible. Four teammates below the hash marks and he just sent it

  8. throw_me_away3478

    Aho’s gotta shoot that, same route two plays in a row

  9. No_Reporter_5023

    I watched it without sound first and thought this is unreal I gotta hear the announcers. Quite possibly the worst call I’ve ever listened to. Show some emotion for gods sake. that was awful.

  10. ekdakimasta

    Coaches must be hemorrhaging a lung from screaming so loudly

  11. BluesHockeyTeam

    Doesn’t seem that crazy to me? What am I missing ? Lol

  12. Canuckerbird

    There was more entertainment in that one minute of play than entire games of LA Kings hockey.

  13. suicidekingdom

    Looks like a suicide drill broke out in the middle of a hockey game

  14. CattleDogCurmudgeon

    To hell with 3-on-3, I want more of this!

  15. Can someone edit the Benny Hill music over this?

  16. JoelOttoKickedItIn

    So this is the best the Metro can offer, huh

  17. tearsaresweat

    Pretty bad play by play announcing. Crazy sequence through.

  18. LionBig1760

    That kind of hockey makes coaches rethink their « don’t change while on the backcheck » rule.

  19. ExperienceNo7751

    Kuzy looked like an absolute duster out there. Wow. As a Rangers fan with memories of him torching us in years past when he looked like a young Panarin I was shocked.

    Unless he turns it around quick I’d be shocked if they keep him on the roster.

  20. Bobbyoot47

    Pretty typical 1-0 game in the third period I’d say.

  21. rsmit11

    This is hilarious. Also seeing kuzy in a non caps jersey is kinda sad 🙁

  22. Sarah7667

    That was really great, one of the best nhl games in history even, that’s people’s vote on Opingo, the two teams were great, and were fighting so so brave

  23. hardware1197

    Apparently you don’t understand the strategic nature of this exchange.

  24. REAPER-1_xxx

    Pxp sucks. So much opportunity to ramp up the intensity and didn’t.

    I guess I’m spoiled with Jack Michaels and Cam Moon.

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