@Red Wings de Détroit

Les Red Wings rateront-ils les séries éliminatoires ?

La course aux séries éliminatoires de la Conférence de l’Est dans la LNH semblait bloquée il y a quelques semaines, mais la séquence de défaites actuelle des Red Wings place Détroit à l’extérieur. Les Wings peuvent-ils rester dans le combat ou vont-ils rater les séries éliminatoires ? Le directeur du dépistage de TSN, Craig Button, se joint à SC avec Jay Onrait pour partager ses réflexions.


  1. Yup thanks to the man on the thumbnail. He has hurt more than helped. Yeah he puts up points, but the rest of the team plays worse when he is in the lineup outside of debrincat who now has gone 6 games without a goal

  2. Yes because Larkin is hurt and they soiled their jersey with an advertisement from a trash company

  3. The loss to the Islanders, the blowout embarrassment against the Coyotes, Alex Lyon finally running out of gas, and Dylan Larkin's ongoing injury absence, have ALL combined to truly gruesome effect during the current six-game losing streak🤯☹️!

    Where is the fight and fire in the face of adversity, going to come from with this team🤔?!

    Ah well, just 2024/25 to think about now, it seems. Truly lost for words at this point….☹️!

  4. Lol this is what they did last year they were in the driver seat and they shit themselves and Yzerman said it to start the year that this STILL WASN'T A PLAYOFF TEAM.

  5. The hockey gods saw the wings put ADS on thier jersey… and acted accordingly. 🌩

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