@Rangers de New York

J’ai pu voir certains garçons de près avant le match d’hier soir !

J’ai pu voir certains garçons de près avant le match d’hier soir !



  1. NahImGoodThankYouTho

    lol I’m picturing you like the coaches in Little Giants, looking through binoculars and Laviolette calls the cops to report a pervert.

  2. HanaDolgorsen

    Lol buddy is hiding in the bushes taking photos 😂

  3. PeteyG89

    I know theyre using a soccer ball, but some of my favorite school memories were hitting a hacky sack with the boys lol

  4. GrimwoldMcTheesbyIV

    Why’s that guy look like a shadow?

  5. Key-Tip-7521

    Imagine one of them turned and saw you taking pictures? All of them would scatter away like deer.

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