@Panthers de la Floride

Avantages pour les membres du territoire

Je vois le dépliant des avantages, mais en demandant aux STH actuels, y a-t-il des récompenses cachées que vous avez trouvées utiles en tant que détenteur d’un abonnement ?



  1. OxfordCommaRule

    This falls under the « Invitations » bullet, but I think is one of my favorite parts of being a STH:

    The player meet-and-greet event this year was amazing. We got to meet and take pictures with nearly every player. Also, it wasn’t just the players, it was everyone from the organization, Goldie, Zito, Gabby, Stanley, Victor, and the dance squad. They also sorts of games for both adults and kids. The food and non-alcholic beverages were free.

    The STH Meeting just a week ago was equally cool. Bill Zito and Matt Caldwell were hanging out greeting the fans as they entered (we all sat in sections 101-104). Goldie ran the Q&A session with Zito and Caldwell. They provided free water and very discounted food and drink (burger, fries, and a Coke was $6).

  2. jordaine6

    Not so hidden reward but the discount on Playoff tickets is insane. For section 328 row 1, I’m paying $24 a ticket for all of Round 1, can’t remember the rest off the top of my head

  3. layout420

    I enjoy taking the kiddos to the paint the ice. My 3 year old really gets into it and she can see Stanley and VictorE and give them endless high fives. Too bad they don’t do the open skate like they used to. I never went back then because I didn’t have kids. 

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