@Canadiens de Montréal

Corne de but des Panthers de la Floride 2013 avec foule

Corne de but officielle de votre corne de but des Panthers de la Floride 2013 avec RRP2 et Crowd


  1. Colin- Florida is a state where if the team does well, there's a crowd. This season there are actually more ppl. It just looks empty on tv because of club red right in the line of the camera behind the benches.

  2. Raptor- give us 2 years. By then the best rookies in the league will be wearing panthers jerseys

  3. Hmmm, last season attendance % in BB&T Center was 99,7 so your comment is invalid.

  4. I'm a tampa bay fan and for people who think that Florida cannot support hockey is partially right. The lightning have a great fanbase. Not to mention they are one of the best teams year after year. Florida panthers on the other hand don't have a very good chance at supporting hockey. Florida is not an embarrassment to hockey. In tampa the whole stadium is 90% lightning fans. Which is in my opinion pretty damn good for a team that's only 21 years old.

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