@Wild du Minnesota

[ Joe Smith ] Khusnutdinov fait ses débuts dans la #LNH ce soir. Hynes a dit qu’il était excité. Sera front net sur le deuxième PP.

[ Joe Smith ] Khusnutdinov fait ses débuts dans la #LNH ce soir. Hynes a dit qu’il était excité. Sera front net sur le deuxième PP.



  1. Particular_Gur7378

    Give him top line minutes, lets see what he’s got

  2. _granny64

    Net front is an interesting choice for a smaller player when Foligno is on the same unit. I think that’s where he played at the World Juniors though 

  3. Far_Ad_1752

    YES I CANNOT WAIT. I will be at the Xcel for the first time in a year tonight.

  4. MinnesotaHockeyGuy

    If he finds his footing and is successful with the team, does that increase the appeal for other Russian players to similarly join the Wild? Thinking specifically of Yurov and Firstov, but also curious if success from Kirill and Marat could attract Russians not already in the organization.

  5. SeveralAngryBears

    Давай Хуснутдинов!

  6. Urbantreefrog

    Sucks he has to play on the same line as Freddy . Dudes a juju killer .

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