@Bruins de Boston

Revisiter les Bruins de Boston 2011

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  1. Tim Thomas's performance was the closest thing to The Dominators. He was the Dominator! Great goaltending!

  2. I was rooting for the Canucks in that final. Game 7 was the most frustrating hockey game I've ever watched. Nothing worse than seeing a team get shut out in a game 7, finals or not. Nasty stuff. Game 7 WSH vs PTT this year in round 2 gave me the same nasty feeling.

  3. As a Canucks fan who lives in the Maritimes where its all Montreal and Toronto, that playoffs run was fun, beside game 4 to 6 in the 1st round.

  4. I always thought that Luo got the short end that series. If I remember correctly didn't Vancouver have the best offense that year. If not, they were at least near the top. You can't expect to win a seven game series scoring only eight goals.

  5. fuck the bruins
    still emotional to this day
    started tearing up 😞😞
    i hate the bruins to this day
    tim thomas dirty hit on henrick sedin why was that not a fuckin penalty??
    tim thomas was an asshole(good goalie tho)
    chara was an asshole
    marchand is a rat
    and shawn thorton omg
    the worse of them all

  6. Boston was a tough team. Many key players on the Canucks lineup was injured. Rip dream…

  7. I hate the Bruins a lot, and I’m still heartbroken as a Canucks fan, but they absolutely deserved the 2011 win. They got into the Canucks’ heads, and they always showed up to every game.

    This series highlighted how much I really hate a good chunk of Canucks “fans”. Maybe I don’t know something about how people in BC think since I’m from Seattle, but I’ll bet that everyone who started the riots are in the same group of people that now chastise everyone for supporting the current team. I helped with cleanup efforts and I still love the team, but I can’t blame anyone for the hate because there were a lot of lunatics.

  8. People who blame the goalie usually don’t know anything. Or the goalie always have to be stellar to not have any hate towards them like bruins fans towards Rask.

  9. “They took the night off just cause they knew they could win game 4” is probably the most asinine statement I’ve heard. This is the Stanley Cup FINALS. There is NO EXCUSE for taking a game off! No team in their right mind would EVER use this mentality if they wanted to win. Vancouver flopped in game 3 but that doesn’t mean it was intentional.

  10. My dad would have been 40 that year. He's one of the reasons I'm a Bruins fan and I know he was cheering from Heaven the whole playoff

  11. My girlfriend is from Massachusetts, and whenever she's introduced me to people there who know I'm from Vancouver she mentions that I cheered for Boston in these finals, and it's pretty much the most flattering thing she could say. People love me after that even if they know nothing else about me haha

  12. Luongo gets crapped on because of the sheer amount of fucking goals he allowed. Thomas didn't get 7 shutouts in 7 games BUT he did perform very well on the road and thats what vancouver needed from luongo and he didn't do that. The most amount of goals Thomas allowed was 3 and thats what was expected of luongo, he didn't need to get shutouts in every game like you say. He wasn't even keeping games close for the offense to catch up

  13. I’m a loud and proud bruins fan in BC in the Kootenays and I’m only 14 and I didn’t know why people hated the bruins and people still do to this day which pisses me off I live in St. John’s NL now and people here also hate the bruins (probably because they’re so close to Montreal) but the Montreal rivalry ended quite a while back. The hate will never end at this point.

  14. I know its ten years now, but this final looked a lot like the recent Washington vs Carolina series. Washington could not win in Carolina then Holtby fell apart

  15. I’m curious to what your opinion on Tampa vs Canucks. That game 7 of bruins and Lightning was split by a hair.

  16. It's quite sad that Shannon's dream series became one of his most painful. Also, his becoming a social pariah because of the result shows how sports, despite the joy they bring us, can tear us from each other (stupidly).

  17. I have friends that are huge Eagles fans that I went to high school with. Did we outcast them when they beat the Patriots in the Super Bowl? NO! Did I outcast a guy who worked for our family business who roots for the Lakers after 2010? NO! So get over it Canucks fans.

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