@Rangers de New York

[Walker] L’entraîneur du NYR, Peter Laviolette, sur le maintien de Zac Jones :

« Il était absent pendant une bonne majorité des matchs, il a travaillé d’arrache-pied à chaque match, à chaque entraînement, chaque jour. Une vraie attitude positive. Lors des derniers matchs dans lesquels nous l’avons affronté, avant qu’il ne revienne dans l’alignement, il était excellent. Je pense qu’il avait un \[two\]Ce soir-là, il avait un score de plus quatre et il a extrêmement bien joué. Il ne méritait vraiment pas de quitter l’alignement, mais il l’a fait. Ce sont des décisions qu’il faut prendre parfois. Il a eu l’opportunité de revenir. Il a attendu, il a été patient, a travaillé dur pour avoir l’opportunité et il a réapparu et il a encore une fois joué excellent. Donc, pour un gars qui a été ici toute l’année, et compte tenu de la façon dont notre équipe a joué au cours des trois ou quatre derniers matchs, nous n’avons pas encore fait de changement d’alignement.




  1. Honestly Jones has been incredible in the two games. My bet is that his overall play especially the way he has moved the puck resulted in net positive 5v5 for us. I really want him to play even when Trouba comes back. He can stickhandle and dish the puck better than anyone except Fox.

  2. _Noah93

    Not sure what will happen when trouba comes back, obviously he’ll play he’s the captain but jones is making a case to stay in the lineup. I think using him for some games could be beneficial to rest some guys down the stretch. He’s shown he can play positively in those tough games against good teams.

    I know it’s a small sample size (3 games injury and 2 suspension) but I think trouba needs a reduced role when he’s back. Schneider has shown he’s more than capable of getting extra minutes and key has shown he’s a much better player away from trouba. Schneider just has more speed and better puck skills than trouba and it’s evident. Trouba is sloppy with the puck and has poor skating which isn’t a good thing to have breaking out or when the other team is on the rush.




    Those would be my lines if I had to make it. Trouba and Lindgren would both still get PK time obviously. If you wanted to switch lindgren with fox and do a key and Schneider line that would work also. But lindgren has also had a down year.

  3. Anyawnomous

    Rotate and rest them up for a long haul.

  4. robbiejandro

    All this just to take him back out of the lineup so slow giveaway machine Trouba can have his spot back.

  5. roscomikotrain

    Rotate out vets so they are rested for playoffs

  6. beerleaguer2

    Jones will get the spot 56 has now next year.

  7. InternationalHunt738

    Can’t really speak on Jones. As I honestly haven’t noticed him. I have noticed Gus and he is playing well. I have noticed Fox. The rest…just doing their jobs. Which is great.

    I hope Lav learned from Boston’s error last year and properly rests his lineup. We only need like 3 more wins to essentially guarantee ourselves a playoff berth…96 points is pretty much the cut off line. I don’t care about a president trophy and I hope guys aren’t getting bonuses for 82 games in a season. I understand that bonus on a losing team. But we haven’t been under a 100 points in 3 years including this one. And subbing Jones in for a different guy each night moving forwards seems like a great idea. This way regardless of injuries he can step in with any of our D and know their tendencies. And be a effective player.

    Speaking on Defenseman ….I just watched alot of the 2014 cup finals against LA and holy cow was Girardi an absolute embarrassment. I mean the amount of odd man rushes LA got off him and just unbelievable amount of unforced bonehead plays. I think someone bought him for that series. And AV was throwing him out there 27 minutes a night. I mean in Game 4 the 1 game we won …he literally drops his stick and it leads to a breakaway goal for LA and I looked like 3 times ….and his stick looks totally fine. It wasn’t like he took a hard shot and it snapped. It was a soft pass and he just whiffs on it and then he just drops his stick like it broke? On top of that he doesn’t even try to slow up the LA player and just watches him blow by him.

    This is why I think we are always doomed. Honestly if you get time just go back and watch game 4. I think it happens in the 2nd period. If I didn’t know better I’d have to assume he was trying to lose. And that Game 1 overtime flop that lead to the winning goal was 100% on him. He was just so bad. And I didn’t even think so at the time.

  8. Key-Tip-7521

    Jones has been playing well in the last few games. However, Ruhwedel needs to get in the lineup for rotational purposes imo.

  9. jakes951

    Jones ran the point SO well here in Hartford, and I’d love to see him on the second unit. He isn’t big (obv) but he makes the right pass EVERY time. Very heads up, direct, authoritative with his passes. He’s solid

  10. pony_trekker

    Give all the d a day down the stretch. Especially Lindy. He’s banged up.

  11. Syletown

    Kakko and Jones making us look so good for declining a bigger deadline splash

  12. Envelopen

    While I agree that hes played a very strong couple games, I do believe i need to see a much larger sample size before making and grand decisions

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