@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Qui a vu ça venir ?

OK les gars, il est temps de revoir le match d’hier soir entre les Canadiens de Montréal et les Blue Jackets de Columbus. Le Tricolore a remporté ce match par un score final de 3-0, mais c’était plein de drames ! Le Tricolore a marqué trois buts rapides en première période, chassant Elvis de son filet à peine 6 minutes plus tard. ET.. Ils ont continué à jouer un match épouvantable avec le gardien Cayden Primeau les gardant dans le coup ! Quelle beauté! Nous allons jeter un coup d’oeil! Les articles qui figuraient dans la vidéo étaient des captures d’écran de Habsfanatics.com, je vous recommande fortement de consulter ce site pour d’autres nouvelles des Habs, faites-moi savoir ce que vous pensez de celui-ci dans la section commentaires ! Si vous êtes un fan du Tricolore, ou simplement du hockey en général, pensez à vous abonner à ma chaîne, car je télécharge une tonne de contenu sur le hockey, et j’apprécierais vraiment que vous soyez encore plus nombreux, les sauterelles, à me suivre ! Pour soutenir ma chaîne, pensez à appuyer sur le bouton Rejoindre et devenez membre dès aujourd’hui. Accédez à des vidéos exclusives réservées aux membres, ainsi qu’aux publications de la communauté ! Si vous êtes récemment devenu un nouveau membre, n’oubliez pas de consulter les « 15 membres Only Video Playlist », lié ici.. : https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLq… Email : Hockeyjunkieemail@gmail.com Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/HockeyJunkie Discord Server : https://discord.gg/3jazrNmefY Twitter : https://twitter.com/HockeyJunkieYT Merch : https://streamlabs.com/hockeyjunkie/m… Et bien sûr, merci d’avoir regardé !


  1. Great win for the Habs, this will help cement the Black Hawks getting the first overall pick again this year.

    Merci Montreal😉

  2. Primeau's getting so good we can't let him play again ^_^
    (we need to go chase that top 5 picking spot at the draft, can't rely on a lottery miracle)

  3. My hopes and dreams for next year are a second line and some coaching for the defence. Then maybe we shoot for 82 points. That would be a good year, IMO.

  4. It was about time they traded Allen. Primeau's self-confidence got a boost when he left IMO. Before that, in my opinion he was afraid of performing badly and he would "crack" after a bad goal. It didn't help that he would seldom play, so whenever he got in front of the net he was super rusty and not always in the NHL beat. Now that Allen is gone his spot is secured for some time so it's a weight off his shoulders. Now we need to know if he is capable of handling a couple more games like that in a row, then make him play consecutive games and then make him play against a top tier team to see his evolution before the end of the season. If I was head coach I'd like both goaltenders to split games evenly and make them compete against one another. Right now Monty is #1 but that doesn't mean Primeau won't be #1 in a couple of years. I think Monty will gladly answer to that challenge. It'll be a healthy rivalry IMO and the Habs can only be winners in the end.

  5. Primeau shuts out 2 teams that they should've let win. Then the Arizona game. Whatever, even if they had the 1st pick Bobrov would pick a defenseman. This was the year for a RD, not last draft.

  6. I mean tbf you call the habs turds but man have they been in way too many close games this year. All the damn injuries we had, I feel like next year could be a nice rebound.

  7. One of the more special games this season. The vibe was just different. Gave me Price flashbacks

  8. It was my first game I've ever been to… and I missed all of the 1st period! I still had lots of fun tho!!

  9. Last night the team played like Betty White because Primeau ate all the snickers bars himself.

  10. Time to admit that St-Louis is no coach. The whole game, except some moments of individual flashes, the Habs seem to play short handed. No structure, no discipline, no counter measures, no transition, no set plays, no purpose, no team toughness, and no progress. The youth is not progressing.

  11. Just when I thought Matheson had overcome his right-side hemianopia after that sweet pass to SlafCena… he went back to his old ways. He had a few chances to pass to Slaf, but he opted for a weak slapshot from the blue line instead

  12. He's done it again folks, bologna, mongolians, willow, mr bean, another jam packed vid. Top tier content from HockeyJunkie!

  13. Wah-wah is another great nickname you came up with. Hondacevic is still my favorite though!

  14. I think the boost of confidence and support from Jake Allen really was an important thing.

    Classy moves sometimes have classy results.

    Good work by both parties.


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