@Ligue nationale de hockey

J’aurais pu avoir Davy, avoir Buoy à la place…

J’aurais pu avoir Davy, avoir Buoy à la place…



  1. Free_Engine_8376

    I don’t like Buoy either, but that one on the left would have scared the shit out of kids. Probably not a great look to have Davey Jones visiting local children hospitals lol

  2. DrGentlemanSir

    Mascots are for the kids anyway. Plus I think it’s fun how everyone else hates him. Fits right into the literal troll thing 🧌

  3. Griswaldthebeaver

    I think he’s fine, what’s the issue?

  4. Christopher2011L

    A buoy is more reliable than Davy any day!

  5. pulpgimp

    Mascots are for children 10 and under and children 10 and under are scaredy cats

  6. pachydrm

    Fuck that. Bouy is fun and the kids love him. It is just a bunch of adults bitching about something not being for them.

  7. JayTee245

    I think it fits that the actual kraken is so mysterious that Buoy is just sort of a random sea creature/troll

  8. Iyagovos

    The one owned by Disney probably wouldn’t have been a good idea.

  9. Horny_For_Tea

    Wow I’ve never seen this meme posted on this sub before.

  10. ruinedbyconversation

    What the hell is that?! Looks like a troll doll or something

  11. WearsTheLAMsauce

    The Kraken missed such a good opportunity to design a badass jersey, but somehow decided on an “S” shaped like a tentacle.  Really missed the mark in my opinion.  Hoping some good 3rd jerseys come along that make up for this flop.

  12. FlyTheW1988

    “Tell me about it. Nobody wanted this clown.” -Biz

  13. daft_punked

    I heard Bill Nighy was too expensive and didnt wanna relocate.

  14. Jessejets

    The last kraken I dealt with gave me crabs. 🤷

  15. Morbo_Kang_Kodos

    It’s the Seattle *Kraken*, right? Why would you have a mascot that looks like a cartoon bat?

  16. TrentZoolander

    That is the worst mascot I have ever seen.

  17. runeeeeeeeeees

    i love buoy, hes to entertain kids at the end of the day and he definitely does that so i think hes great!

  18. Tourquemata47

    Can`t tell if it`s werewolf with a blue nose or a Vampire with blue hair.

  19. JetsFan2003

    If they were gonna have a troll mascot, it should’ve been the troll Frank Reynolds plays in « The Night Man Cometh »

  20. ForeignAd1389

    Philly could have had a bird, but instead they got nightmare fuel.

  21. First-Radish727

    Buoy is the mascot we needed! He’s awesome and I will abide no slander!

  22. echelon999

    Keep Buoy’s name out your mouth! Anyone that gives Biz shit is okay in my books.

  23. Kitchen-Lie-7894

    I’m guessing the one that the franchise designed from scratch was cheaper than the copyrighted one.

  24. Dickincheeks

    Lol gotta keep it family friendly. The Bouy mascot is good imo

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