@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Skyfall : Les Maple Leafs de Toronto 2013

J’ai fait un montage de la saison 2013 des Leafs. Au cours de la semaine où la fin du lock-out a été annoncée, et peu après le licenciement de Brian Burke, j’ai entendu la chanson Skyfall d’Adele qu’elle avait composée pour le nouveau film de James Bond du même nom. Je fais toujours du montage vidéo et je bricole toujours les moments forts, et cela m’a semblé être la chanson parfaite pour terminer la saison des Leafs. C’est bien sûr si la saison n’était pas un désastre total. Avec l’effondrement obsédant du « 18 roues d’une falaise » au cours des derniers mois de la saison 2011-2012, aggravé par le licenciement soudain de Brian Burke, Toronto semblait destiné à une autre saison décevante hors séries éliminatoires. Eh bien, cela n’a pas toujours été beau, mais les Leafs se sont battus avec acharnement, ont mis fin à la sécheresse et ont apporté la ruée vers les séries éliminatoires qui manquait à Leafs Nation depuis près d’une décennie. Voici mon hommage aux Maple Leafs de Toronto 2012-2013. http://stevedangle.com http://theleafsnation.com http://twitter.com/Steve_Dangle http://facebook.com/stevedanglepage


  1. dosent really matter and if your shitty team played there hardest then thats embrassing lossing to the sentetars id rather be a panther fan then a candians fan

  2. Awesome montage Steve. Those boys gave it everything this season, gotta love them. Go Leafs Go!

  3. Hockey is my life, Im a die hard and spoiled Wings Slappy, but most of all, I'm a hockey fan. Steve, You are the BEST hockey personality that I've ever seen. I know you're not an analyst exactly, but I enjoy your positivity, knowledge and passion the same way I enjoy Doc Emmerick when he's being witty, or Don Cherry when he's full of piss and vinegar. You, my friend have a fan thats pretty much hanging on every video. Loved the podcasts as well

  4. MY 2nd fav. fight was when matt kassien beat orr in a fight, and went hot dogging to the box, then mclaren kicks his ass and does the same thing

  5. Just getting into Ice Hockey and this video makes me want to succeed and go far in the sport!

  6. Amazing video, Love the Leafs, I've been following you since your first LFR season, under a different account. Follow on fb and twitter, have talked to you. Would love to have your opinion on my new videos i've been making, including a farewell to grabo video, i know you're passionate about that, and Kessel and Dion tribute vids. I believe you'd be impressed with my kessel one 🙂

  7. Steve my main man, mind if I make something similar but for the WJC?? I think Skyfall would be a perfect song but I don't wanna steal any of your thunder if I make it

  8. Thank you for being among the 1% of hockey highlight videos that didn't use terrible hard rock music. Thank you very much.

  9. This Leafs team was full of grit, character, and fire. It could defeat the talented, but soft 2021 Leafs team.

  10. Holy fuck it's currently 2021 and I was listening to this song and was thinking this song would make for a great Leafs montage based on the most recent Leafs game 7 collapse to the Montreal Canadiens (spoiler alert to the people watching in the past) and I decided to search up "Leafs Skyfall Montage" to see if this had been done before for any of the other recent playoff collapses (you can take your pick). Did not expect to see a video from the great Steve Dangle this is awesome (while also being very depressing bc how tf have we not avenged that loss from 2013 yet)

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