@Kings de Los Angeles

Les Kings de Los Angeles remportent la Coupe Stanley 2012 – Faits saillants du sixième match (11 juin 2012)

La première partie de ce clip montre le tournant décisif du jeu. Une pénalité d’embarquement de 5 minutes a été infligée aux Devils du New Jersey, donnant aux Kings un avantage numérique prolongé au cours duquel ils ont marqué 3 buts. Les partisans des Devils auront peut-être un problème avec les arbitres, car quelques minutes plus tôt, il y a eu un incident d’abordage presque similaire, non signalé contre les Kings. De plus, peu avant le 4e but, il y a eu une collision entre le juge de ligne et un défenseur des Devils, le mettant sans doute hors de position et lui ôtant son élan dans le jeu. Les fans des Kings pourraient affirmer qu’ils auraient dû gagner lors du match 4, où ils ont touché 2 poteaux de but dans un match très serré qui aurait pu se dérouler dans un sens ou dans l’autre (les Devils ont remporté cette victoire en 3e période). En fin de compte, personne ne contestera que la victoire des Kings est l’une des surprises les plus remarquables de l’histoire de la LNH. En décembre, c’était une équipe en si grande difficulté que son entraîneur de longue date a été licencié à la moitié de la saison. Il y a à peine 2 mois, ils se battaient pour la dernière place en séries éliminatoires dans l’Ouest. Même les meilleurs analystes de hockey de la LNH ne s’attendraient pas à ce qui s’est passé lors des séries éliminatoires : ils ont battu les 2 meilleures équipes de la LNH, ont eu une fiche de 16-4, ont remporté 10 matchs consécutifs sur la route (avec une seule défaite sur la route) et, plus important encore, ils ont gagné. la Coupe Stanley, la première en 45 ans d’histoire de la franchise. Notez qu’à 2 min 30 s, le juge de lignes a failli être de nouveau frappé au visage avec un bâton alors qu’il patinait par un joueur. Finale de la Coupe Stanley 2012 NJ Devils vs LA Kings – Match 6 (Kings gagne 4-2) 11 juin 2012


  1. I have watches this at least 20 times. I'm only 17 but I'm the only person in my house that gets and totally respects the beautiful game of hockey. I've watched every Stanley cup final, and every time wishing the Kings would be one of the teams I would be watching. Well, my dream has come true. I can't tell you how much I cried when I saw them lift the cup. This will go down in LA history. There is a new champion in LA. GO KINGS GO!!!

  2. I can't wait 'til we get to defend our title starting this September in training camp!!!

    It wll be SO great to hear OTHER broadcasters throughout the NHL call us "the Defending Stanley Cup Champion Los Angeles Kings"!!! For YEARS Bob Miller and Nick Nickson (and #19 Jim Fox and also #15 Daryl Evans too, the two main heroes of The Miracle On Manchester 30 years ago) have had to call OTHER clubs by that, now it's OUR turn to hear the rest of the league call US that for a change!!!

  3. I would love to see a series between the 2012 Kings and 2010 Hawks. Wonder who would come out on top

  4. @daxpertofverterans
    My favorite team, the Penguins, also have three Stanley Cups. But do you see me complaining on a video about the Flyers beating us in six games? No, because I'm not a sore loser like yourself. If you want to talk about how your team has so many Stanley Cups, then go talk to some Canadians fans, they'll give you something to talk about.

  5. not a kings fan but what thekings proved that being the best doesnt mean your gonna win shit. its about being hot at the right time in the season..8th seed DAM well proved it.

  6. I'll put it like this. (Devils fan's perspective) The 5 minute major should have NEVER been called. Boarding yes. The hit on Gionta was also blown. If the Devils had a call go there way for a 5 minute major, and score 3 goals within it, I would be saying the same thing. Who cares "we" still won, but would have to admit that it was the wrong call. Bad call, cost the Devils game 7 at home, and ruined the series as a whole.

  7. Same here… I want to see the Rangers and i can't do that because they can't come to agree to terms (or some shit like that…).

  8. We still scored another 2 on Brodeur after that call, and another on an empty net. Devils only got 1 in 60 minutes. Your logic, it isn't there.

  9. Was it a penalty? Yes. Was it worth a double-minor? I'd say so. Was it worth a 5 minute major? I doubt it. But, even a double minor would have allowed 2 goals to score, and the generally applied rule between a double minor and a major penalty is the sighting of blood. The refs chose to call it a major penalty, which they're actually allowed to do, whether we agree or not.

    Missed calls happen a lot, these refs aren't perfect, and we have to remember that when dealing with hockey.


  11. Such an awesome reaction. Wish the Penguins got that back in 2009 XD Would have been just a little bit more epic to such a great 7th game!

  12. @jack meyhoffer, you got that right. Kings fan since 03. So many years of disapointment. But so much glory. Broduer got his ass lit up like never before.

  13. The last goal by green is so unclassy, pathetic. Your team secured the win with the empty net and you keep on offense like that?

  14. they came in 8th place that season in standings. YOU JUST NEVER KNOW PPL! DONT LET THE STANDINGS FOOL YA!

  15. As a diehard Rangers fan, I greatly approve of this game. I absolutely LOVED watching the Devils get demolished in this game.

  16. Being a SF Giants fan and LA Kings had been really tough being a fan all my life. I was so glad that ended 2010 Giants 2012 Kings

  17. I don’t feel bad for the guy getting crushed..
    Players need to realize if they gonna turn at that speed then they gotta eat glass

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