@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Nous avons remporté la victoire, mais l’équipe doit sérieusement s’attaquer à ce problème avant que cela ne devienne un problème plus tard.

Nous avons remporté la victoire, mais l’équipe doit sérieusement s’attaquer à ce problème avant que cela ne devienne un problème plus tard.



  1. DubbleTheFall

    That’s pretty bad. Could you imagine if this was Vas from a week or two ago?

  2. It was a bad game. But a game that helped Vasy come alive. For that it was worth it.

    But please let’s not do it again.

  3. itsyaboikawaiidesu

    Granted, after watching the entire game, I do feel like we have had a lot of shots on net that were taken away from us after the end of the game. I do not remember us only getting 3 shots on net in the second. That would mean that we only got 1 shot aside from the goals we scored and I definitely remember Bob making multiple saves that period.

  4. Fragrant_Parsnip_175

    Good lord that’s like really bad hockey

  5. BoltsBroadwayBrett

    I mean…we won, against one of the top teams in the league. I don’t disagree that there were some issues but they hung on.

    At this point in the season I’ll take the W happily. Stats be darned. There isn’t much « later on » to go before playoffs.

    I think they’ve got a run in them.

  6. Basil_Normal

    We basically didn’t even try to play in their zone after the fourth goal. 3 shots on goal in 30+ minutes of play with multiple power plays at the NHL level is embarrassing. You’d think this team would have something to prove too after all the leads they’ve blown lately. I can see trying to sit back and play shut down in the last couple minutes of the third but starting to play like that with over half the game left is questionable to say the least

  7. trutlesrus

    One of the most one sided games I’ve seen all season. We couldn’t generate ANY offense at all. We couldn’t set up anything even on the power play. We got absolutely man handled. Hope this was a wake up call for our whole team and that we don’t leave vasy out to dry like that again. Also, huge hopeful momentum boost for vasy.

  8. sprinklesfactory

    They aren’t going to be perfect. It isn’t happening this year.  The new guys have brought a lot of life to the team. Vasi seems to be playing better. Cernak had some great shut down moments at critical times. We just beat two of the best teams in the NHL. I’ll take it. 

  9. MonarchChonarch

    This is why I think SOG is a subpar metric to measure offense generated. Shot attempts is better cause it shows if a team is at least shooting the puck, even if it gets blocked. And shot attempts includes those that hit the post, because hitting the post for some reason isn’t counted under SOG (which is stupid imo)

  10. Big part of this game was penalties. You absolutely cannot keep gifting momentum to a high powered offense like the Panthers like that.

    I don’t expect our games to typically be that sloppy. Yes, they have to be better because they sat in their zone for 40 minutes of that game basically. They earned the win, but really tried to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory with some of their play.

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