@Sabres de Buffalo

Les Sabres n’ont pas de cœur dans le jeu à gagner – Réflexions d’après-match et mini diatribe

Je suis sûr que vous êtes aussi écoeuré que je regardais ce match et oui, je l’ai regardé douloureusement jusqu’à la toute dernière seconde, même après le but dans un filet vide. Je voulais me rappeler pourquoi je détestais Granato cette saison, juste pour être sûr. Je n’ai pas oublié pourquoi… merci d’avoir regardé 👍 **Communauté Discord sur ce lien 🦬 : https://discord.gg/DcRqQFN5nV ** ‘Khatchaturian Saber Dance’ a été sous licence et acheté auprès d’Audio Micro (Licence #U269T3409)


  1. Oh and the Kane goal. Dahlin goes to the other side of the ice and Skinner had his head up his rear end. Why on earth did Dahlin move completely out of position when Byrum was fine on the other side of the ice. I couldn't believe that

  2. I knew Detroit would come out like a caged animal, 7 loses is a large hole on any team. Like I said in the pre game video, we needed to come out with the "spear" this animal type of energy and we did not.

  3. What's up with the effort today ? 🤔. Everything is on the line, and this is our effort. Dahlin & Bo -4 I believe. I didn't like our energy at all today.

  4. These guys are professional athletes, and they can’t put together a solid hour of hard work? They’re sat on the bench for most of the game, and they play what, like three minutes at the most before getting a break? They get commercial breaks and two intermissions, and they still can’t work hard the whole game? Talk about pathetic.

  5. We SUCK in matinee games. The refs sucked as well today. I wanted at least 35-40 shots on net . That goaling sucks in Detroit. We let them OFF THE DAMN HOOK.

  6. If we played the same way we did in the first period the whole game a loss would have stung less. That second period was truly awful. Its a miracle the score wasnt worse.

  7. Detroits speed exposed you, they were on top of yous almost the whole game. Nothing you can do, love your vids. Lol your team has never been good. Sometimes you catch a team sleeping and you look good, but when push comes to shove, you have never had leadership! Maybe next year boyz!!

  8. He took them as far as he could take them at the end of last season! Adams is losing my trust in his decision making with regards to keeping the fan base from saying "the same old Sabres". Get rid of Granato, he's not a guy that can challenge them to raise their level of play to meet the situation. Not happy with Dahlin either , he looked lost at times tonight.

  9. This team is just too young to win in the league. None of them have ever won anything and they don’t care if they win or lose because they don’t even know what the playoffs are. They were all smiles at the end of the game no one cared that they lost. Going to need another 3 years and some vets added before this team is ready to be considered a middle to upper middle level team.

  10. At 4:48 left in the first period, all six Sabres players on the ice are looking at the Detroit player with the puck. I just don’t understand.

  11. They weren't ready for how pissed off Red Wings would get. I vividly see the turning point of this game – Greenway mocking the Red Wings, with a huge smile on his face, after Ben Cheriot (?) came after him, but the ref stepped in. That was the very start of 2nd period, right before they scored.
    Felt like Sabres were missing a spark, felt like they needed to stand up for themselves, they were getting bullied.
    Didn't help that the officiating was bad in general, bad both ways.
    These last games have to be considered as playoff games – it's do or die. You either show up or pack your vacation bags.

  12. We looked entitled out there. No one skating….. Freaking annoying… Greenway was invisible. We need him to play hard. And what's with no one shooting the puck?

  13. I missed most of the game tbh, I had it on but was doing some things around the house. So I heard the first goal. I did see a terrible non call against Chariot for dropping the gloves and Greenway didn't drop them so we could get the 5 mins on the PP. After hearing your take on the game Wayne, I'm glad I didn't get to see it. This is why I absolutely hate early games over weekends. The whole day had me thinking they just blew their best chance to setup for this hard western swing we have coming. I'm laughing now because I commented on your morning pre game video that I was expecting a hard hitting and 1 or 2 fights in this. Guess I expected what every other team would do except this team.

  14. Great game by that “washed up” kane though. A true leader out there today. Something the sabres didn’t have today.

    The sabres desperately need muscle and some sand paper but they will never have it under this GM and coach. How is any of this still surprising? It’s par for the course. The Sabres are exactly where they are supposed to be right now. A team that is fighting for 9th place at best.

    Next year though. Next year for sure.

  15. Chin up Man. This team needs a Maurice moment; Last year, Panthers are in T.O., late in the season, national broadcast, and the team's doggin' it, when they're s'posed to be fighting for a playoff spot; Maurice lost his mind on his team. they turned it around right after that and got in. It's the difference between coaching a team full of MEN and coaching a team full of boys; Need to start treating these boys like men.

  16. Aren't you the same guy who slammed negative commenters a week ago when this bum team started winning a bit ?? This is how the Sabres roll … THEY SUCK SO EMBRACE IT

  17. This is why I'm not getting excited for a possible late run. Sadly this season was lost months ago and now we are just prolonging the inevitable fate of another year of missed playoffs. Sure we may have been looking good as of late but it's too little too late. And even if someway somehow they pull a miracle put their ass, granato has no clue how to prep this team for a playoff match and they would just get ran over in the first round. Granato has to go, he's taken this team as far as he could

  18. I was so mad. Shots on goal: Jost 3 in 9 min. Cozens, Skinner, Tuch and Tage: combined ice time 75 min and 4 shots. You cannot score if you don't shoot. That in such an important game is shocking and annoying. Being outcoached again, but also the players are not ready. I cannot imagine a playoff game, they would be destroyed by anybody, even the Leafs.

  19. Wayne, I could not agree more. Granato is infuriating!! No heart is demonstrated through no push back by his team. They refuse to take the body w conviction! Continually get bullied and check out in games. Granato has neutered this team. F**k !!!!!! How does Granato have a job?!? Wayne thank you for recognizing and speaking the truth of this long term issue.

  20. Look at Clifton. Granato has taken away his game. The guy came to us as a physical player w some offensive upside. The guy barely hits anyone at this point.

  21. And do we not think Granato is an extension of both Adams and Pegula in terms of being a physical team?!? This feels like an organizational issue at this point.

  22. No killer instincts. In the first, when we were rolling and scored to make it 1-0, that was it! Seemed like we got nonchalant with things after that. Coaching?

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