@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Les fans des Penguins ne seront PAS heureux d’entendre cela…

Les Penguins de Pittsburgh sont cuits. Sidney Crosby n’est pas content, Kyle Dubas a abandonné le noyau et les Penguins perdent à nouveau contre les Rangers de New York et rendent pratiquement impossible la remontée dans la course aux séries éliminatoires de la LNH. Twitter : https://twitter.com/DeanerHd


  1. Love it Kyle Dumbass screws over the Leafs for so many years then goes to Pittsburgh and then does this!!!! 😂😂😂 that guy is just pure toxic in all forms in the NHL, really should just get the hook then banned for his stupidity

  2. I’m shocked they didn’t try to deal 87 already….hes been loyal. I’d like to see him play somewhere else and should, but where? Thats tricky. Also they needed to get full value for Guentzel (spelling?)

  3. I hope he chooses to waive his NMC to be traded in the off season so that he can play on a good team. I would love to see him here in Vancouver but I think it only makes sense to go to the Avs.

  4. Send Crosby with Malkin to Montreal, young boys need to learn things from veterans legends..;)
    And rebuilds the team!

  5. LET'S GO RANGERS! They fucked Crosby. They fucked him good on that trade. Damn Shame. Eh We're not as good as people think. We have deep flaws. I could see a revitalized Pens team beating us. Not now. But Vegas is going for another cup run. Deep. Nice vid tho! The fucked up part is, I can see Crosby as a Ranger. We get all the fucked up, washed up, past their prime players. We're a Nostalgia tour.

  6. They are going to rebuild, and he’s not going to wait for it, not enough time in his career left. Shame but I think he might leave now. Maybe go play for the Habs for a three year contract.

  7. Not a pens fan at all but man…..Crosby needs to go to a contender next year for the twilight years of his career. One of the all time greats flaming out on an old pens team wouldn't feel right

  8. Too many older players and they shouldn’t have gone all in with an older core of players. Crosby’s going to be 37 this calendar year as will Letang. Malkin is 38 and slowing down. Karlsson is almost 34. This is team that should have started rebuilding a season or two ago now they’re stuck with an aging and what would have been an expensive one to boot had they signed Guentzel. If I were Crosby I’d go to the management and ask if I could be moved out. He’s older than Kane and even he saw the writing on the wall.

  9. The supporting cast just waited too long to chip in and the coaching is suspect, oh the D is so 😝, Sids not going anywhere

  10. Yeas trade him to colorado! Let him go. Plus what the fuck you can do anymore, penguins roster sucks and will be bottom feeder for next 6 years to come with sharks

  11. Crosby wants out not because of Pittsburgh cause of Dubas, Crosby sees no future success with Dubas running the Pens.

  12. Would love to see Crosby bring the magic to Vancouver just like he did at the Olympics!

  13. I have been a season tix holder for 5 decades; this organization gave this core group a chance and they blew it. Through out Sids career the has been the goat. He leads thru actions, however this team needed a Bill G and a Cullen to be a voice in the room. This had to happen, some of the core should have been moved at hi value and maybe this move would not have been necessary. Gino should have been moved when he was hi value. Let’s go PENS.

  14. I do not understand why the owners hired this new gm who doesn't have the players respect anywhere he goes he should be in the minors making important decisions

  15. Not sure what went down behind the scenes, but out of respect for the "core" guys, I'd have told them you are tossing in the towel on this group, and offer to trade them to teams making a run at it this year. Geezer that he is, Crosby, with 50% retained, would have brought a load of picks. Now sure, he may retire a puffin, but you get nothing. Even the Rangers traded Leetch, and Messier, because it's stupid to lose guys for nothing.

  16. Crosby is right to be pissed. Washington is doing everything they can to get Ovechkin the all time goal scoring lead, without regard to their overall success. Crosby deserves better than that IDIOT Dumbass as GM..

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