@Red Wings de Détroit

Les récentes luttes des Red Wings pourraient-elles sonner le glas d’Yzerman à Detroit ? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde et Jesse Blake discutent de la séquence de défaites actuelle des Red Wings de Détroit et s’ils croient ou non que cela pourrait affecter le poste de Steve Yzerman en tant que directeur général de l’équipe. Pour les demandes de renseignements générales, envoyez un courriel : info@sdpn.ca Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. Anyone calling for Yzerman's job is an idiot. He's giving his prospects time to develop, so when they're NHLers their ready. You don't rush guys. That's how you turn into Buffalo. Detroits' time is coming. Anyone calling for Yzerman's job will look like the same idiots that called for Sakics job. To do it right, takes time. Their prospect pool is loaded

  2. Watching the redwings lately, you can see its like their trying to hard, holding their sticks a little too tightly. Thats hockey, you feel pressure and you make the wrong moves sometimes, its like a self fullfilling prophecy.

  3. Lalonde and Yzerman are safe, probably safe next year if they don’t make the playoffs. Chris Ilitch is the same person who allowed Al Avila to run the Tigers like a clown car for 7 years. He certainly doesn’t have the stones to fire a legend. I think calls from the fan base will get louder if they miss this year and certainly next year.

  4. I think yzerman has the longest leash of any gm in all sports. It would have to take something catastrophic for him to be “promoted” to some sort of head advisory role with the wings in order to bring a new gm. The wings have also had horrible lottery luck during his tenure. I’m by no means an Yzerman apologists, but he definitely did not have a fast track rebuild team to work with. The ghost of Justin Abdelkader, danny Dekeyser, Athanasiou, Mike Green, and co were not fetching high draft picks at the deadline

  5. Yzerman is not going anywhere. The coach will go first and he will make big moves this off season.

  6. Short answer: No, that's ridiculous.

    Long answer: No, that's ridiculous. Majority of Steve Yzerman's tenure so far was getting rid of the bad contracts and mess that Ken Holland left. Remember: the final Holland year was when he drafted Zadina, and the only decent gift he left was the Veleno draft pick as a result of the Tatar to VGK trade. Last year and this year is now seeing the team coming up instead of bottoming out. But the rebuild is still not done. Yzerman has focused on signing players to fill in the gaps on the roster (which btw no one was expecting the Red Wings to be good this year based upon those signings in the off season either), so the young draft picks can cook in the AHL, college, or European leagues. Also, Lalonde potentially being fired? Man it's year 2 of his coaching tenure lol give him at least a third year before dismissing the guy. The best thing the Ilitch family can do is to keep their hands off the Red Wings and let Yzerman slowly build this team into a yearly cup contender.

  7. There's not a chance in hell they fire Yzerman. He's been pretty open from the start of the season that making the playoffs is not the main goal this season. If he was under any pressure from up top, he'd have certainly sung a different tune.

  8. As a Lightning fan…it might be prescient to point out that they're on a 3 gamer…with wins over (playoff) PHI, FLA (on the road) and the NYR. If there is a team that NOBODY wants to get hot at the end of the year…it's Tampa.

  9. This isnt an Yzerman problem. This is a Lalonde problem This team was once only a couple points out of third so there is enough talent to be good. Larken goes down and the team collapses. That is a coach problem.

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