@Kraken de Seattle

Tout va bien se passer…

J’ai lu cet article ce matin et je pense qu’il résume bien tout. Je n’avais vu personne le partager, alors ici, profitez-en… https://www.davyjoneslockerroom.com/everything-is-going-to-be-alright-i-promise/



  1. lokikaraoke

    As a former fan of the Atlanta Thrashers who went 0-4 in team playoff history, I am thrilled with how the Kraken are doing, lol

    Rough year but lots to look forward to. 

  2. aksunrise

    One of the things I like about Sound of Hockey podcast is that they talk a lot about Kraken prospects/current draft picks and they’re all kicking ass in their respective leagues. The future is bright.

    Personally, I think a lot of fans saw last season and making the playoffs as the standard for what the Kraken should be, rather than an awesome and exciting fluke.

    Maybe we all just need to take a step back and remember to have fun watching a team and a sport we all love. If it not fun, why do it?

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