@Ducks d'Anaheim

Les Ducks d’Anaheim ont gagné…

Les Ducks d’Anaheim ont gagné une période… pas un match et ont marqué un but pour la 1ère fois en 172 minutes de hockey. Je récapitule le match Anaheim Ducks vs St. Louis Blues dans cette vidéo ! Si vous avez aimé ce que vous avez vu, assurez-vous d’appuyer sur le bouton d’abonnement ! ✅Suivez nos réseaux sociaux, rejoignez notre Discord, achetez des produits et pensez à faire un don ! ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ 🔗https://linktr.ee/duckmylife *Clause de non-responsabilité relative aux droits d’auteur En vertu de l’article 107 de la loi sur le droit d’auteur de 1976, une « utilisation équitable » est autorisée à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages d’actualité, l’enseignement, l’érudition et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement constituer une violation. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur d’une utilisation équitable. Aucune violation du droit d’auteur n’est prévue. TOUS LES DROITS APPARTIENNENT À LEURS PROPRIÉTAIRES RESPECTIFS*


  1. I love how they played “when you wish upon a star” when we scored. 😂 man I was feeling good idk what happened

  2. Lack of Veterans hurt…where is Cutter Gauthier in his college playoffs? Looking forward to seeing him play

  3. Zegras and I have the same birthday and I sure would be a nice early birthday present if zegras plays tomorrow and try to get a win on my birthday eve

  4. The ratio in which Ducks are called for penalties vs. any other team is horrible. Most games you can literally see obvious penalties not called against other teams. Its sad.

  5. We actually scored a goal! Great work team. How you're worth a combined 70 million is beyond me.

  6. The Ducks offer absolutely no resistance to the other team by that I mean they do not check anybody they play with their sticks that's why they get penalties..as a long time fan unfortunately I'm starting to find them irrelevant baseball season hockey playoffs.. Starting with the signing of Drysdale and,zegras, the year was doomed from that point forward

  7. "And with the first pick overall, the Anaheim Ducks are proud to select" – THIS is what I wanna hear!

  8. So is it the coach? The GM, the players he signed? This is going to be some off season, no more excuses next year…..

  9. I remember the wild canucks game where in the third the wild got three power play goals in 1:15 seconds during the third

  10. On a positive note..Anaheim's cap will be at 34 million set for next off season..2 first picks..and the best prospect pool in the league. Disappointing season for sure but on the bright side this team is pretty stacked. I don't know if this coach is right for the team I honestly don't think it's Verbeek since he did get Cutter Gauthier a former 1st rd 5th Overall. The coach had a good history of the game from his experiences but I do think a much experience coach maybe the old boys club is not so bad after all.

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