@Kings de Los Angeles


Vous avez vraiment semblé aimer commenter mon précédent message sur le logo, alors écoutons-le, à qui pensez-vous lorsque vous voyez ce logo en particulier ??? 🤴🏽 ​​#GOKINGSGO



  1. Accomplished_Ideal55

    King has a bad case of gout or he just bit his tongue real hard chowing-down on too much Popcornopolis. A Cheesy First Generation Video Poker Screen Shape Shifter Reel Image from the NHL team that can’t get any design right except for their original uniforms which were so “meh” they were great.

  2. Accomplished_Ideal55

    Methinks Our King Also Appears To Be In Dire Need of A Laxative.

  3. Split_InfinityDarlin


  4. HockeyBabble

    I have The “Illegal Reverse Retro” version of that sweater:


    Can’t recall where I got it but I got CS to do a color swap of The correct lettering font.

    Actually now believe The Flame-Broiled Majesty’s issue was In retrospect the color scheme was the first hints at a full rebrand: when Staples Center opened they switched to that color scheme (a reworked shade of Purple and black)

    Get a lot of compliments when I wear this sweater!

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