@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Michael Bunting apporte une nouvelle énergie aux pingouins

Dans cet épisode, les Nick discutent des premières semaines de Michael Bunting avec les Penguins de Pittsburgh et pourquoi son style est une bouffée d’air frais pour cette équipe (4:05). Ils discutent également des dernières nouvelles avec Jack St. Ivany (16:05) et d’une nouvelle série documentaire sur la LNH en préparation avec Amazon (20:34). Nick et Nick terminent l’épisode avec le Weekly Pens Poll dans lequel ils débattent pour savoir si Sidney Crosby atteindra ou non le plateau de points par match pour la 19e saison consécutive (25:51). Accorder! Le meilleur podcast pour les fans les plus fervents des Penguins ! Connectez-vous pendant que Nick Brlansky et Nick Horwat vous présentent chaque jour toutes les meilleures nouvelles et analyses des Penguins de Pittsburgh ! Nouveaux épisodes de « Tip of the Ice-Burgh » les mardi et jeudi et « Ice-Burgh To Go » les lundi, mercredi et vendredi. Abonnez-vous à notre page : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF9ht8AzbjUYj9iRMYgrKjg 🎧 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/0xEz2obkC3dpVjLlns2Qgi 🎧 Apple : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast /tip-of-the-ice-burgh-podcast/id1497683396 Retrouvez-nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/InsidePenguins


  1. Sitting through ads typing this, and I am already excited for this episode. I will say, I am excited about Bunting and Jesse Puljujarvi and find them exciting. I liked Jesse in Edmonton so these editions I am happy with. And Bunts, he's been playing that dirty hockey down on the net and I love it. 6 points out , the boys are buzzing

  2. He was the first #71 i saw in person for the pens. Pens used to have a carnival (I think thats what they called it). You would go to the arena and could meet the players in different areas of the bldg. You could play video games with brooks orpik, could do this magnet fishing game with bergevin, spin the wheel for prizes with ryan malone and KK had a game too. I remember KK because he had just got hit with a puck and his eye looked bad. He was kind of quiet, very polite and signed whatever people asked of him even though it was probably a lot for him.

  3. Always appreciated the way bunting played against the pens, very happy to have him on the team. His energy and nose for the net is well needed just like ludvigs physicality and guts. A few more guys with skill and physicality and we may be cooking next season. Also appreciate what DOC and Pusti have done this season. I hope Jesse P. and a few of the young guns can step up and solidify spots for next season.

  4. I would not mind graves sitting a game or 2 to see what st ivany can bring. sullivan knows what he has with the veterans. its time to see what the younger guys can offer. I feel like sullivan would only scratch POJ or ludvig but not anyone else.

  5. Koltzov was the fastest guy on the early 2000's team. He was so fast he could and would retrieve his own dump-ins😂. Never has there been a player with worse luck though. He would get so many breakaway opportunities only for his stick to break. He was my favorite player for awhile and was happy to see him represent his country in the Olympics. RIP Konstantin Koltzov.

  6. Bunting is good. Just assumed he would have been signed before the season started. Would have been nice to have him with Malkin instead of Smith. He’s cheaper, more of a fit for what the pens needed and they wouldn’t have had to spend a 3rd on him. I suppose, maybe Dubie called Bunting but he wanted to sign with the Canes instead.

  7. I have no doubts that Dubas will improve the team. He tries his hardest and has a passion for the game. He wasn't able to make 100% of the decisions in Toronto and that is why the Leafs are where they are in my opinion.

  8. The very first thing I thought about when the Pens acquired Bunts was Gino.
    He has lost a step but can still shoot…and Bunts will provide the time and space for Gino to reinvent himself as a sniper!
    Now all Dubie has to do is acquire that 40 or even 30 goal scorer to roll with Sid and Rusty!🧞

  9. You can tell bunting wants to make an impact on this team. He skates super hard no matter what the situation is and you’ve seen him do things such as bang his stick on the ice or look into the sky when he misses a scoring chance. He wants to be here and he wants to succeed.

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