@Flyers de Philadelphie

Flyers de Philadelphie contre Rangers de New York – Play-offs 1974 – Ron Harris contre Dave Schultz

Je crois que cela vient du troisième match des demi-finales de 1974. Moment génial car non seulement les Rangers gagnent le match 5-3 mais regardez comment les fans du MSG, Emile Francis et Ron Harris entrent dans la tête des Flyers et les rendent fous. Classique! Encore plus drôle est l’ineptie embarrassante des annonceurs des circuits des Flyers. Ils sont si mauvais et si drôles et embarrassants, eh bien, il faut juste entendre ce qu’ils disent. BTW, tous les commentaires IDIOTIC seront rapidement supprimés. Apprécier!


  1. In Borje Salming's book, he refers to a player who acted the tough guy on a tough team, but who wasn't so bold after being traded to another team without a bunch of other guys to back him up. I think he was referring to Shultz.

  2. These commentators suck. Complaining about ranger roughousing. Its like a Trump supporter complaining of an opposing politician insulting Trump. What do you expect idiots.

  3. Hey Dave….how's that Jaw feeling are my dad….Ken (DOC) Houston broke it….just poking fun. I know you guys out that in the past.

  4. TYPICAL. The SECOND Harris approaches Schultz…who is there? DUPONT.
    Schultz the pussy. Always near OR BEHIND Dupont. When Schutz was traded…he was pretty fucking meek. 🙂

  5. I LOVE the FLYERS!!!!! Gene Hart was the best!!!!! Go gettum Bernie, Gene was great!

  6. of course Harris was just standing there while Schultz was trying to start trouble…These announcers are idiots if they can't see the difference

  7. Flyers announcers much like the Flyers themselves, suck! Schultz was a pussy who needed the other ladies to jump in and save him when he actually fought someone who could and would fight back

  8. At the 2:30 mark you see my Cousin the big dude standing way above the glass telling Schultz to get the hell off the ice motioning with his hand and thumb!

  9. This was hilarious to see the Rangers, knowing they're gonna lose the series, think they had a chance against the Flyers.

  10. The funny thing is if another player wants to go go after Dave who wasn't the initial player that's not right.
    I don't care if I've never been in a fight in my life. I would FRIGGIN have Dave's back!

  11. Funny how when Dupont was gesturing at Harris that Dupont made sure the ref was in between him and Harris.

  12. Gene Hart… boy, was there ever a more biased and unprofessional announcer out there? What an embarrassment he was to the profession!

  13. Schultz wanted no part of Harris, same game Dornhofer hit Giacomin behind the net and Harris totally Destroyed him , I WAS THERE , REMEBER IT LIKE IT WAZ YESTERDAY

  14. Has anyone ever met a New Yorker or a Rangers fan with a brain? Yeah, me neither.

  15. Schultz was very brave going after Gilbert. He always had DuPont or Kelly out there to save him from the other teams’ tougher guys: Clarke Gilles, Ron Harris, etc.

  16. I wonder if Schultz would have challenged a guy that size of Matt Rempe. There weren’t any 6” 8’ guys in the NHL 50 years ago but I bet Schultz wouldn’t want to fight one. In his day Bob Probert would have beat the shit out of Schultz.

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