@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Vestes bleues @ Red Wings 3/19 | Faits saillants de la LNH 2024

Faits saillants prolongés des Blue Jackets de Columbus contre les Red Wings de Détroit 00:00 1ère période 02:48 2e période 04:46 3e période 08:01 Prolongation


  1. Raymond is getting into his Zetterberg era of firing up his team when it’s needed and I’m all here for it

  2. Kane and Raymond need to carry this team the best they can until backup (Larkin) gets back into the lineup making the lineup 🔥 finally again.

  3. Wings had no business winning this game. Severely out played by a bottom feeder. Lalonde should be looking at his last few games as a head coach.

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