@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Il a INSTANTANÉMENT regretté cela

Nous récapitulerons le match des Maple Leafs de Toronto contre les Capitals de Washington de ce soir tout en couvrant également d’autres manigances de Tom Wilson, le bien-aimé de tous. Cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. What's funny was I saw an article that day on the NHL website titled "Ovechkin hopes Matthews scores 70 goals this season with Maple Leafs."

  2. Im sorry but i am really tirned off by you saying you think it was unintentional with zero explanation. You have your opinion but man do i not understand..

  3. Matthews just slowing down cause there’s no Mitch. Leafs look like a complete different team without him, feel like that top lines gonna go off once he’s back.

  4. I actually like Tom Wilson and he's cleaned up his game a lot, but he has that demon inside him; no matter what he does, he is prone to do something incredibly stupid like this from time to time.

  5. Nah I’m sorry it definitely was on purpose… he has a history and look at the direction of the game buddy was mad… should be a suspension

  6. Is it just me or does it look like wilson cant skate anymore, hes always falling down looks slower than normal, just something isnt right with him. Also 100% intentional with his track record he should sit a couple games, will get away with a fine.

  7. I believe that the Wilson incident was caused by a lapse in judgment due to frustration at the state of the game. Was it a good thing? No. Does it require further action? Up for the league to decide. Either way, I’ve seen players get away with far worse with far less, including a boarding in the playoffs that resulted in significant injury only getting a minor penalty.

  8. 0:44 He's lucky it only chipped the bottom and didn't expose the nerve.

    I exposed a tooth nerve messing around on a surfboard in High School and it was the worst pain I've ever felt in my life. Every breath feels like scraping your nervous system with sandpaper.

  9. How can anyone like wilson??? Hes genuinely my least favorite player and has been consistently for a decade.

  10. Eck I love ya man, but my guy is one handed golf swinging for the head here 😂

  11. That Wilson hit was 100% not accidental. I still can not believe how he's allowed to play in the league.

    He's not just a rat, he's just trying to end careers.

  12. Man the Ovi goal feeders got smoked tonight 😂 no playoffs again buddy got 2 goals tho 😉

  13. Even as a caps fan I genuinely have no idea what Wilson was thinking there.

    It’s been a pretty disappointing season for him, he hasn’t really been as physical, his scoring is down and he’s just taking way too many penalties even for his standard.

    I like the dude, but he needs to get it together.

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