@Wild du Minnesota

Fleury après avoir été retiré contre les Kings

Fleury après avoir été retiré contre les Kings



  1. Admirable_Cause9036

    Fuck you if you’re a kings fan 😤 but on some real shit wtf is going on. I’d be pissed too. 3 goals on random ass bounces and the wild are playin like soft ass Whiteclaw league..

  2. Particular_Gur7378

    What happened tonight? I haven’t been watching

  3. JoeyBougie

    « Baguette! Baguette! Croissant! » No more goals scored on MAF this year.

  4. BobLobLawLawBlog1985

    It would be nice to deal with my frustration as regular guy like that. Instead I have panic attacks and hand my wife my pants whenever she decides I’m out of line. 😂

  5. Kitchen_Ad8560

    Dont blame him. Seems like a reasonable reaction considering that was a huge game.

  6. orangesarenasty

    I don’t think I ever thought of Fleury as being capable of being this angry. He seems like such a chill, happy guy usually. This is really rough though 😕

  7. Syandris

    And anyone actually expected them to make the playoffs? I guess, a first round exit is what we consider a trophy here in Minni…

  8. BearJohnson52

    Back to back at 9 in Cali. Boys gripping their sticks a little too hard tonight. And the Kings get some bounces. One we had to win too. That’s just the way she goes sometimes. Excited to see if the young guys keep fighting.

  9. AndyJaeven

    Towel guy in the red staring sadly at his pile of towels Fleury kicked over is hilarious tho.

  10. Snookoms24

    Wild fans deserve this passion. Let’s get the whole team on the anger train down the stretch.

  11. glasswalk3r

    (Half Minnesotan) Kings fan here. Absolutely not his fault and after having multiple tipped in on you by your own guys plus tons of penalties, I’d be pissed too.

  12. ForeignArcadia

    I hope you’re a Kings fan.

    If you like the Wild, this is literally the only thing you’d want to see in this situation.

  13. GravyBoatWarrior

    OP 100% yells « Shoot » on the PP.

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