@Penguins de Pittsburgh

Les pingouins ont déjà quitté Erik Karlsson ? | Guentzel prospère en Caroline

Dans cet épisode, les Nick discutent des rumeurs selon lesquelles les Penguins de Pittsburgh pourraient envisager de quitter Erik Karlsson cet été (1:00). Ils discutent également du dilemme potentiel des Penguins avec leur choix de première ronde en 2024 et de la question de savoir s’ils doivent ou non conserver une sélection parmi les 10 premiers (16:23). Nick et Nick terminent l’épisode en vérifiant comment Jake Guentzel s’est comporté depuis son arrivée aux Hurricanes de la Caroline à la date limite des échanges dans la LNH (27:30). Accorder! Le meilleur podcast pour les fans les plus fervents des Penguins ! Connectez-vous pendant que Nick Brlansky et Nick Horwat vous présentent chaque jour toutes les meilleures nouvelles et analyses des Penguins de Pittsburgh ! Nouveaux épisodes de « Tip of the Ice-Burgh » les mardi et jeudi et « Ice-Burgh To Go » les lundi, mercredi et vendredi. Abonnez-vous à notre page : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF9ht8AzbjUYj9iRMYgrKjg 🎧 Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/0xEz2obkC3dpVjLlns2Qgi 🎧 Apple : https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast /tip-of-the-ice-burgh-podcast/id1497683396 Retrouvez-nous sur Twitter : https://twitter.com/InsidePenguins


  1. Probably would it be a pipe dream that they have him play forward, but I would say give it a try if they don't trade him.
    I know it's a crap shoot and I've herd next week's draft is stronger, but if they are in top 10 I would say keep it. It's a risk and sure they could be worse next year but I'd keep it.

  2. EK has 46 points in 68 games. he is a +6. He is on pace for 55 points. But is this on EK? Or a deployment issue? i.e. McCann, Nylander, Marino, Rodriguez, Johnson. Or a forward problem? Glad Bunting is now squatting in front of the net. How is reirdon still in charge of the PP and the defensemen?

  3. Well, IMO, the biggest problem they have is Trisan Jarry. He can not play under pressure. Ned, again IMO, is a superior goalie to Jarry. Jarry is a youger version of MAF and not as good. He's athletic but often out of position, frequently overplays his angles, and rarely when they need a big save does he deliver. He was beaten 11 times against Jersey, but the iron got in the way. Not saying Ned can carry the team, but Jarry had proven he can't. Didn't like him when he came into the league, and still don't. I keep challenging people to prove me wrong and they don't have to. Jarry keeps doing it for me.

  4. IT was a great great trade. We unloaded a ton of garbage to get one player who has some positive benefit but not exactly a world-changer.

  5. I would be fine moving karlsson. I have to agree with a lot of fans that we need defensemen that can actually play defense. This team can't outscore teams based on elite offense only (anymore). They need a team game that starts with good defense and transitions to offense. So if graves doesn't work and karlsson has weak defense then what are we expecting. Coaches deployment, system, too much pinching and terrible soft gaps in the defensive zone all equate to being out scored if our goal tending isn't playing over their heads. I think Dubas has his hands full this summer and I'm not sure how he can really re-sculpt this team if he doesn't move out either graves or karlsson (or both).

  6. This will be another mistake because be honestly Letang has what left. The power play is not on him that is on the system 1000 percent and no one else. Everyone else on the powerplay sucks that is including Crosby. I would rather move Letang, plus it's not like Letang was a major impact in all 3 cups. To be frank, Two out of the 3 cups Letang was a none factor at all.

  7. I agree that the coaching staff is not using Karlsson correctly. That is why they all (including Sullivan) need to go. Sullivan and his staff have been doing such a terrible job. If Dubas keeps any or all them then he needs fired.

  8. So many of the pens issues would fall away if they could simply FINISH. Plain and simple. Loaded with finishers and yet cant finish. Very odd.

  9. Karlson’s good years are behind him, like Geno. Those two a highlight reels for moronic turnovers EVERY game.

  10. At the start of the season didn't the genius, Mike Sullivan, talk about focusing on improving Karlsson's defensive game? So you go get the best PP QB of the cap era and your first thought is to try and turn him into Larry Robinson. I keep saying it everywhere, it's not the players. As long as Sullivan's here it doesn't matter who comes and goes. People come here and stink, then leave here and thrive, because–just like Bylsma–his system is too complex and actually hurts just about everyone who's saddled with it.

  11. While the EK trade doesnt look great this year, i think it will next year. Like you said, usage by coaches and lack of finishing by forwards impacts a lot. IF we trade anyone, as much as i hate to say it, i think it has to be Geno. It would suck, i know, but for 6.1 mil he isnt playing anywhere close to that. Rakell is also in that mix too. Dubas is going to have a hard summer, lets hope he works some magic

  12. If the pick is top 10 and you keep it, can you later trade that pick to another team?

    If so you can potentially trade the top 10 pick to another team for immediate impact help.

  13. Karlsson is hardly the problem. If we had finishers, he'd have more points. Yes, his defense isn't the best, but we knew that going in. Now that Bunting is here, we have a net front presence that I'm sure is going to help EVERYONE with putting up points.
    Guess I should have listened to you guys before commenting. lol

  14. Man they make Hextall look bright….they have no clue what they’re doing … just like in Toronto…. Hextall missed by a point …. We’re now drafting tup 10 with a still peaking #87 . Just pure bad mangamnt .. bad decisions .

  15. It's def interesting but possible for next year even if they finish at the bottom, look at the 2016 team they were AWFUL one of the worst and then they win I no we had good players on wilkes and got some decent players in trades but we'll c what happens would've had more hoPE WITH GUENTZELL then without tho

  16. He isn’t a ten million dollar player. He’s pacing for 55 points…that’s laughable. The only good thing about the trade is that they dumped Granlund and Petry…

    It’s not been a worthwhile trade. I’m very quickly warming up to the idea of moving on from him.

  17. I think we got Erik Karlsson without having thr right structure for him he needs players infront of the net…this team isnt built right yet. Also dubas needs to take charge address the coach playing young player and the wrong veterans ie Jeff Carter

  18. i dont think ek traded yet maybe next offseason if pens not make playoff

  19. the problem is also pens dont have finshers and no defence on core

  20. i think if pens get better player could get goals nd better d panther for ek then we wont have issue

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