@Canucks de Vancouver

Conor Garland passe au BEASMODE

https://www.instagram.com/thebluelinehockey https://youtu.be/9QW7wzGpWmg Une bougie d’allumage est un élément crucial d’un moteur. Il produit une étincelle qui enflamme le mélange air-carburant dans la chambre de combustion. Pour les Canucks, Conor Garland est l’étincelle qui enflamme n’importe quelle ligne à laquelle il est affecté. Lors des six matchs qui ont suivi la signature de sa prolongation historique, Elias Pettersson n’a marqué que 4 points. On pouvait dire sans se tromper qu’il avait besoin d’une SPARK. Rick Tocchet avait la solution et il s’appelle Conor Garland. Comme toujours, si vous appréciez mon contenu, n’hésitez pas à aimer, commenter et vous abonner. Cela aide énormément la chaîne !


  1. What is your ideal lineup when Dakota Joshua returns? Does he automatically reunite with Blueger and Garland? Or do you try out Joshua – Lindholm – Garland to see if there is chemistry there?

  2. Thank you for this video. I agree that Garland has been an unsung hero of this team this year helping greatly to contribute to the overall team success. Fans are rightfully hard on players when they are not earning their contract dollars, but we also have to recognize and appreciate when they are.

  3. Despite his size he someone gets around guys and wins puck battles he has no business winning. I love having him but not at his cap hit

  4. Garly has been playing like this since day 1 of being with the Canucks. He always gives more than everyone else out there. He definitely deserves some praise.

  5. Garland and Joshua are just relentless on the puck out there. Can't wait to have him back in the lineup so we can reunite that line.

  6. Garland has been my favorite player this year. He shows his tenacious spirit every single game

  7. Started the year thinking Garland wasn't worth the money they were paying him.
    Now I see how he shows up every games, back checks like a demon, forces takeaways, and scores important goals.

  8. When doesn’t Garland go BEAST MODE? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    He reminds me a lot of Burrows working his ass off to give his teammates the chance to work their magic. And he is modest enough to not care about recognition. The man is a quintessential hockey player!

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