@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Matthews surpassera-t-il la saison de 65 buts d’Ovi en 2008 ?

Auston Matthews battra-t-il le total de 65 buts d’Alex Ovechkin en 2008 ? Qui devrait être le gardien partant des Leafs en séries éliminatoires ? L’analyste de TSN Hockey, Martin Biron, se joint à SC avec Jay Onrait pour en discuter.


  1. Can’t you guys shu# u* already about this clown named Matthews. Do you really don’t have anything else to talk about in that garbage of studio. Can’t understand how TSN, SDPN and Kyper and Bourne can talk about the same sh## team everyday without getting bored.

  2. Matthews should be focusing towards the playoffs and not if he reaches 65 or 70. If he plays the right way the goals will still come. The Leafs are terribly built for the playoffs. They are just a flashy scoring team. If their offense gets neutralized, they can"t win games grinding it out or shutting down teams. When the pressure becomes too big, they always falter.

  3. Hopefully, scoring 65-70 helps matthews sleep at night comfortably in his bed of 100s cause he'll never have a stanley cup….for many reasons

  4. Ovechkins 65 in 2008 is the equivalent to almost 80 goals today. Era adjusted its actually the second greatest goals scoring season in history

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