@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Changement de logo des Hurricanes de la Caroline à venir ?

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  1. That flag on a red hat looks great. Why don't they just put that logo on a red jersey, and bring back that weird triangle behind the flag back

  2. Love the hat, I have the exact same one. Hurricanes fan coming to ya from north central NC. I agree 100% with everything you said. I don’t like any of them either for a final design, and I have no idea how any could be mad at any sports organization trying to enhance their fans and get input. Also the NC sports market is heavy into college sports and those word marks are giving me heavy college vibes. Love the videos, watch all the time. Thank you for making them!!!

  3. Along with the logos, the survey also had fans rate every single jersey in team history on a scale of 1-10. Seems like a complete rebrand even in terms of jerseys in 2 years or so when fanatics starts with the new jersey style

  4. I personally think the Hurricanes have the most boring brand in the league, which is a damn shame since they cost us the Whalers, the team with the best branding.

    That said, I think the word mark with the north Carolina outline would look nice on a jersey.

  5. Not a fan of really any of these, the middle right is okay, but does feel more baseball than hockey.

  6. I honestly prefer their original logo to all of these concepts. Where they really messed up was making the home jersey look nothing like the away jersey.

  7. I say no to all of those logos! The Carolina Hurricanes have one of the best logos in the NHL right now, there’s no need to change it.

  8. Strictly speaking on the designs, only the left middle C looks even worth doing. The wordmarks have potential for a baseball/retro spinoff merch idea. None of the 6 are great.

    Again, I am going to push back on this identity crisis you say the Canes have. The 25ths were a one-year Anniversary jersey, and paid homage to the Cup year. They also use 1 each of their logos on their jersey. Now, as to the comments about the flipping on the red and the black jerseys for home… basically that new black came out, the players liked it so much that it got voted on two years in a row to be the home playoff jersey, so in year 3 of it existing, it ended up becoming the home jersey. The redesigned red moved from home to alt. Dundon wanted to change the road white jersey and they ended up with the one they have now for the white. I'm kind of glad all 3 look distinct.

  9. That shit looks like a power company. Looks like it would be on the side of an electricity box

  10. As a canes fan I like what they got now and I don’t think they need to change… I think if they really wanna do something new keep the flag logo on the front of there jersey, put it on the white as well but keep the primary logo at there primary and use it as a patch

  11. I’d be ok with these being shoulder patch logos or the wording for an alternate jersey, but I like their current logo better. Reminds me of their miraculous 2006 cup run

  12. They could form an H in the negative space of the first logo if a second inversed C was added on the left side. That would be very Whalers esque.

  13. Whoever came up with the new logos needs to be fired. Keep it original, hurricane warning flags and the hurricane itself.

  14. Ive heard before that some unis are too university or college. I totally disagree, If you are talking brand NCAA knows he brand. I feel sometimes you are disconnected on the island.

  15. Some tweaks to upper right could result in a great logo. That said I agree the original logo is the best

  16. I understand all of your points but I am upset by this because in my opinion they already have their solution. Their main logo is awesome and it looks great on their red homes and I wish they'd bring it back on their road aways. The home blacks with the flag looks great too. Just put the primary logo on the away and maybe make some minor tweaks to the design, like maybe a line around the shoulders like they used to have and currently have with the black homes or something and problem solved.

  17. So those 25th season anniversary jerseys, make those permanent, and then make a road version of it.

    Have those 2, and then the Hurricane Flag jersey as an alt.

  18. This is stupid. All they need to do is bring back the original red and white uniforms they wore when they won the stanley cup along with the current black uniform as a alternate. It's not that complicated.

  19. As a canes fan, moving away from the current primaries with the storm and the flags on the stick would be an absolute mistake.

  20. I actually think they’re going to switch their hockey stick flag logo to the primary and create a new alternate logo

  21. I’d like to see that stylized “C” on the top left as the captain c. I couldn’t tell on your video but the C I saw had to spikes one at the top and bottom that swooped out for the C.

  22. Whats interesting is that each of the Hurricanes jerseys are individually good. The problem is they lack cohesion that home-roads do. My fix? Keep the road jersey the same, use the RR2.0 jersey but put the warning flag stick logo as the crest (looks good on red as evidenced by Neil's hat, and then use the stadium series jersey as the third jersey. If they want to rebrand further, they can do that later.

  23. I hate abbreviations, its a horrible look for any team. I think candy canes when i see carolina. I hate both teams but i enjoyed watching carolina @ ny islanders because the islanders wore home whites. Bring back home whites!

  24. The jerseys need a change not the logos. Sure the word marks can be on clothing banners etc but the logo is fine. They need to use red as their main jersey, get rid of that awful white & return black to alt status

  25. 100% with you. Even though I don't love any of the logos they sent out. I'm glad they are doing this. Would much rather they surveyed their fans and re-asset than just rebranding to a mid logo.

  26. Ah yes, the ever schizo Carolina Hurricanes. Aren't they changing logos and jerseys like every year? And currently they have the worst combo of jerseys yet. Three completely different jerseys and logos. And yes, 'CANES' is really lame for a logo/jersey. And also, I might be the only one who don't like the stick & flags logo as a primary crest. Just make up your mind, Carolina!

  27. I really like the middle left C logo. I think that would look great on a jersey.

  28. Alan Shields
    South Lanarkshire

    First what I will say is
    Carolina Hurricanes primary logo is basically the same as
    Hurricanes, how play out
    of Wellington New Zealand in
    The Super Rugby
    turnement down under
    all be it in a different colour combo.

    So I 100% agree
    Carolina Hurricanes badly need a rebrand I have never been a fan of their uniforms or their logos in that colour combo.

    I think honestly that the new logo choices all look extremely generic & clipart like they dont make me think. I wish I was a fan of that team that looks so cool to be the pooler opiate is true.

    But to be fair my
    New York Rangers dont have a great primary logo but our uniforms are fantastic in my view, very original six & for me, that is a perfect fit as I am quite a tratradionalist at heart.

    But I cant say
    Carolina Hurricanes really have a tradioanl look they lost that when the team left Hartford to become
    Carolina Hurricanes
    & for me have yet to find their own tradioanl look.

    Yes, Carolina Hurricanes
    have been innovative with the syorm surge celebration, but that is it & that alone is not an identity in my personal view.

  29. So as a Canes STM, I got the survey. One of these Logos were used for the Vintage College Jersey that was available for like 24 hours. I wish I took a screenshot but it wasn't great.

  30. i like the top right but i would hope that the C font would be less generic. I generally like their origianl logo. Not sure why they feel the need for the change. The flag logo is cool but not for a main logo and the CANES jeresys are bad and their home jerseys are also bad IMO.

  31. None of them are great for primary… the first red c looks good for a captains patch and the word marks may look good on a helmet after that none are better than the original primary…. Carolina please don't rush anything… i say just go full original jerseys unless or until you can come up with something great

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