@Canadiens de Montréal

David Reinbacher marque son premier but dans la AHL

David Reinbacher marque son premier but dans la AHL



  1. Philly514

    So nasty holy shit. I need a cleanup, aisle:my pants

  2. Garland68

    I’ve been meaning to get a rocket jersey, do I full send a reinbacher jersey??

  3. dalopam0

    That’s the easiest opposition he’s seen in months and he feasted

  4. That’s the celly of a guy who’s relieved to be off a terrible team.

  5. jadenspan

    Absolutely dangles a guy at the blue line, nice handles and snipes. What a weight off the back of a guy who’s swiss team had the offensive prowess of the Habs current bottom 6 sans Jake Evans 

  6. Studly_Wonderballs

    How come, when I see a professional goalie get scored on, I think, “oh my god, look how net that goalie is giving the shooter. Any one could make that shot!”

    But when I’m skating down the ice, barreling in on a 5’6”, 180 lb beer league goalie, that can barely stand up, all I can think is, “good lord, this guy has every single angle covered. There’s absolutely nothing to shoot at! It’s impossible.”

    EDIT: For the record, this is a rhetorical question. We all know the NHL only employs goalies that are absolute duds so that there are lots of goals. We all know the real stars are down grinding it out in beer leagues across Canada.

  7. Booyacaja

    Wtf that was the most epic first goal I could have dreamed of. First AHL game, sick deke, wires it to tie the game. Sick.

  8. AstronautsOrNot


    It took awhile but this is our revenge at last against Brady Tkachuk.

  9. KingAlphie

    Boys got that dawg in him. Lets go kid!

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