@Devils du New Jersey

[OC] Les équipes de la LNH les plus décevantes cette saison.

[OC] Les équipes de la LNH les plus décevantes cette saison.



  1. MayIPushInYourStooll

    Funnily enough, the Devils are on the top of my list of biggest disappointments for the year as well.

  2. Mr7three2

    Ok ok. I hear ya… but let’s do a new chart since we got Jake « the GOAT » Allen « the tool man »



    Coyotes expectations were spot on, how disappointing that must be…

  4. CryptoSpyro

    I’m still believing in the Jake Allen play him the remaining 13 games we go 13-0 barely making playoffs and then go undefeated in the playoffs all so I can say at the end « I never doubted them. »

  5. Grimmer026

    We’ve had some pretty crappy seasons in the last decade, but this one pisses me off the most because I fully expected to be competing for the cup this year, after improving our roster last offseason

  6. sanbaba

    Lol what idiots expected us to finish 3rd in the league? and above the Panthers no less 🤣🤣🤣

  7. LaHondaSkyline

    Devils 23/24 are the 22/23 Canucks.

  8. SeriousHorror3428

    Posted this in the post over in r/hockey I’m just struggling to figure out why some people thought we were contenders in a defence rebuilding year

    Really. The only disappointment with the Devils were all the injuries derailing the season. Timo, Jack and Nico all suffered big injuries and have clearly be playing hurt for the most of the season, until now and as you can see it’s like watching a different team. Getting a better goalie obviously doesn’t hurt either.

    Also, this year was obviously always going to be a defensive rebuilding year so I’m not sure what made some people think we were cup ready just cause we had one good season in many years last year. All sports « analysts » should know that you don’t win cups while rebuilding the defence.
    Start of the season it was almost universally the Avs or the Canes that were talked about as actual Cup contenders , Devs were only ever really mentioned with a handful of other teams ranked based upon some arbritary betting odds that mean nothing.
    Sure, we were supposed to make the playoffs but I think the fact we actually still have a chance based on how the year has gone for us should be looked on as a huge positive.

    Our cup window opens in ’25 imo with a mix of defensive vets and Hughes and Nemec with more experience.

  9. Comical amount of losers in that thread going “actually this season is fine and last year was an outlier”

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